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    I mean i luv Arrow but i just found myself kinda bored i dont know why its not like i hated the episode its just i expected more for some reason.I will bet money all of them are alive plus Talia and Malcolm and i was not sure but was Evelyn with them at the plane or still in the cage.Did enjoy Oliver beating Chases

    I am kinda in the same boat as you but aother thing that kinda makes me like wtf is Liv and Justin together i am kinda like wait what wasnt she just with Major or am i tripping lol.

    Episode was fine loved all the fights and i enjoyed it now that being said if they time skip like 3 years and Barry comes back and Iris is with someone else i will lose my fucking shit lol.

    Its 100% Hr with the body change tech and also julian was no where to be found so i think he will play at part in Cisco in his fight with Killer Frost.Also i am going to guess that Tracy will be the replacement for Hr/Caitlin on team flash so next season we get more of Killer Frost.We also saw no Jessie which is weird

    We can fight this all day but there is no way Chase should be able to 1v1 Oliver still think they should of just gave chase like a sister or something so they could 2v1 him and i would by that more but hey this season has been great lol.

    Lmao where was all that lawyer smarts when she started hooking up with Blaine.Who would of thought hooking up with a ex child killer and all around asshole would turn out well.

    Omg thank you tv gods for ending this dumb fucking Peyton/Blaine thing man Ravi is a better man then me because i would of been like fuck yes told you lol.She is lucky Ravi and Liv and Major are all so forgiving because she was acting like such a shitty friend over these last few episodes.Also to all the ppl who said

    Lmao i swear i was like why not get a camera and tell yourself about all the shit that happen to you and talk about all your close friends and family.

    If it doesnt then that would be crazy at some point it has to hit her lol.

    The Peyton Blaine thing just triggers me for some reason and i know it shouldnt bother me that bad but her acting that dumb is just a bit much they just made her way to smart at the start but now yea lol.As for this episode i really liked it and they had a lot of cool cameos and that ending was great the whole thing

    Sooo is candy just gone and the next episode he will be like yea we got a divorce and we never see her again.Did they just have her pop in for 1 episode so the show had a reason to reset Lucifer and Chloe so there now "FRIENDS" again.

    I luv this show and i really dont mind the time jump the only thing i really want to see is how the Erica and Gal thing came to be because for some weird reason i always thought they would be a thing and they do fit well together and i just would really like to know how all that came about.Really hope they get another

    No Angel is not innocent for what he did as Angelus just because he got a soul and that comes up a few times to kick him in the ass threw the show does it not and doesnt he remember everything he did as Angelus and is saving people to make up for all the shit he did in the past cant remember been way to long since i

    I swear if this cure doesnt work i just dont see why Liv or Major wouldnt just put a bullet in him at that point and call it a day.I get ppl want Blaine to stay because he is cool and good looking but at this point there is no redemption for someone like him and he should just be put down by 1 of the 1000000 people

    That was nice of him lets add that to the good things he has done now tell me about all the bad shit he did before he got amnesia and tell me he doesnt need a bullet in the head lol.

    I dont care if he thinks hes a new person or if she thinks hes a different person at the end of the day he did what he did u dont get to just ignore that because u have amnesia i am sorry.

    True true but something about Peyton being this dumb is triggering me and i know i shouldn't be lol.I also really hope it turns out the serum work and she just feels like hot garbage i mean shit even Liv kinda told her in the episode.

    I am going to go with he is faking the whole time because it would be way more fun as a story if he was lol.

    The whole Peyton thing is legit crazy af you said that she could be friends with him i say fuck that after all that he did its nuts to me she would be friends with him let alone be in a relationship with him Ravi was a dick fine but shes cool with a child murderer come on now u asking to much from your audience

    I am sorry but how someone can defend Peyton at this point is actually mid blowing lol.Now the show is just getting crazy if a person has killed children CHILDREN even if they forget what they did they still did it on top of how he fucked her bff entire life and Peyton knowing what he did and as smart as she is and