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    Yea i dont get why they didnt show what she said in response to the i luv you because that must of played a huge part as to why ravi did what he did at the end that whole part was just so off.Kinda feels like the writers kinda skipped it and was just like fuck it the viewers will just go with it lol.

    You know i still dont get how everyone is still so chill with Blaine
    after all that shit he did especially Liv and Major feel like they would be the ones most pissed seeing all the shit that has happen with them because of
    blaine.Also with all the things blaine did i am sure by now that Liv has told Peyton so just off

    Ok so i am torn i luv everything about this show and all the stories are hitting fine with me except the Peyton and Blaine one i am srry to the ppl out there that like them together but it is just so cringe and wrong to watch for me.i mean even if Ravi is being a dick about it after all the shit Blaine has done and i

    I dont know why it bothers me but now that Nick has Adalain and the kidsi think he really needs to move back into a real house i get he wants to be safe but come on that house is a shithole just get a real house and secure it lol.As for this episode it was great i love the WOTW i am still little sad that the show is

    Not going to lie it has been a long time since a show has surprised me and i did not see that coming at all that was so good.The entire time towards the end i was like i kinda hope she goes to the bad place so we can see adam scott and the bad place and than that twist was amazing.This is now on my top 10 i cant wait

    This show is becoming one of my favorite shows of all time and this review of this episode was very well done btw just saying.This episode was great and i cant wait for more episodes and that ending with jason and janet dancing to digital get down had me laughing so damn hard.