Carlos R.

Agreed. Even if it's not explicitly stated, I'm sure the show meant to convey that the two gents who were excited about the garbage (one of which was the dude behind Eleanor at the top of this episode if I'm not mistaken), are super gay for each other so what :D

Three things: 1) Not sure if it's already been mentioned, but there's a failed SyFy pilot you can find on YouTube that's eerily similar to this premier episode, right down to the gender, race, and roles of the team sent back… to the point where it seems like it was fixed up and passed from the minors to the majors.

What about DVDs of the "incident" where the green monster and that grey monster tore up Harlem? Is that no longer something Harlemites would be interested in?! :D

Pleasantly surprised that JCVJ made the cut. I wasn't blown away by it but it had some good moments. I especially liked the joke about not attacking at once (AND how that was a callback to an earlier scene), as well as him in full on Huck Finn mode. Not crazy about the way too young romantic interest though.

Get out of my head mattmcirvin! :D

That middle guy reminds me of a young Uncle Phil, aka actor James Avery :)

Can we get a a gritty, older, yet still narcissistic version of Batmanuel where the 2001 Tick never showed up in "The City"? :D

What happened to the manatee reporter at the beginning of the season? That never came back, right?

I thought it was a nice touch to have the orcas reacting so sadly to the disaster. Just a cool way to indicate that they're not JUST sexy orcas, but individuals who, among other things, care about what I presume to be is a place that is, or reminds them of, home. Overall LOVE LOVE LOVED the whole Mister Peanutbutter

Diane's Asian?! I guess I heard that but I keep forgetting.

Don't know if this has previously come up, but since Mister & Captain Peanutbutter presumably share the same last name, Peanutbutter, does anyone else find it odd that Mister's wife refers to him by his full name (along with everyone else)?

"Michael Fassbender for… I wanna say Bill Gates?"

Ok… with THIS comment, AND the whole "don't they?" about humans and guns, Mister Peanutbutter may very well be the smartest guy in the room. Goooooood boooooyyyy!!

Hopefully now the Emmys will FINALLY create a category for Best Animated Boards (White or Black). Featuring THIS whiteboard, the daily burger board from Bob's Burgers, and Bart's blackboard 👍

Cause he was great on Alias and The Hangover. At least that's why for me 👍

…which was GREAT because we see this in play earlier in the season (and throughout the whole show really) when he takes the seahorse milk commercial! Now we know the why of Frye… err… I mean Mister Peanutbutter. 😄

"Am I wrong?"

Just replied the same thought on the previous comment! I don't know if it's much denser than other seasons, or if it's just the show overall, but yes, definitely dense with the references and callbacks. Stuff you think it a throwaway gag that comes back later on with some weight.

I missed it being crossed out. So MANY tiny nuggets of humor. Such a dense comedy w/ a ton of blink and you miss `em references and callbacks.

I actually thought they were going for more of an Orson Wells type, but the sitcom writer version.