Carlos R.

1) Are sick burns gonna be the running gag of the season? Speaking of…
2) Noob Noob alter ego is Mr. Poopy Pants, right? I mean, I know it's not, but they seem very similar.
3) I really dug the fakeout of the teasers leading to this episode… did NOT expect them to dispatch of Worldender off screen. And I feel like a

I think Rick's point is that everyone can be a villain and that there are no heroes, and that reveal was a happy accident that proved his theory. But Rick didn't know that goin' in… he's more an agent of chaos then a Villain anyway.

I'm thinking it's more that Rick resents that the family is struggling without Jerry.

Futurama was a PG-13 rated Young Single Homer Simpson IIIINNNNN SSSPPPPAAAACCCCEEE!!!

I think it was Season 1 Ep 1 where Rick got Morty on his flying saucer and threatened to blow up the world… It never occurred to me that THAT was something that's happened again since then :D

They've made it clear that this is going to be the darkest season yet. And it started with Rick destroying the Galactic Federation and maiming many (presumably more well adjusted) Ricks. I think it'll get darker before we see any light. But I also think you're hope is founded in that they ARE going somewhere with

Someone may have already covered this, but with respect to the wind dissing Jerry, AND the wolf who steals his unemployment, I just assumed that was Rick tinkering with the Universe. i.e., flapping a butterfly's wings somewhere in Australia in just the right way so that the wind would make a noise that sounds like

I wouldn't advise it. You'd be missing out on a LOT of nuance.

Unnecessary controversy. Use of the expression does not require a belief in God. It will just become part of the lexicon.

"Given the powderkeg that is current race relations in our country, we should have used some damn common sense and have done a MUCH BETTER job explaining why we think our show will be a thoughtful exploration of and against racism, and accept that it still may be inadvertently used as a tool for the white nationalism

I lost interest on this season before Barry travels to the future and Frost becomes Killer again… I'm really gettin tired of all the big bad's being speedsters and how much of a role time travel now has on this show.

If the title "Don't Be Ridiculous" isn't a reference to one of Cousin Balki's catchphrases from PERFECT STRANGERS then there IS NO GOD! … #danceofjoy

How the f*** does Stark know how to make the suit not interfere with Spidey's wall-crawling? I mean, WE know it's unexplained, but Stark doesn't 😄

The origin story of Spider-Man was a disaster Mark Webb. That's probably the writer more than you (unless you ARE the writer), but you made the guy who killed Uncle Ben into a cool robber who gave Peter free chocolate milk, robbed a convenience store WITHOUT using his gun, and would have left Uncle Ben alone had

Because Nick is so peaceful with peaceful Wesen, it was a little off-putting to hear Diana say "let's go kill some Wesen" to Kelly in the last scene, given that Diana IS Wesen (or at least, part hexenbeist), and Nick went after bad Wesen specifically. I'm sure that's what she MEANT, but it was like she said "let's go

On my wish list of things that never happened in this show, is WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHER GRIMMS?!?! Other than Trubel, nary a working Grimm we ever see. I would have LOVED to have encountered the Grimm-equivalent to the Wesen council. Nick seemed to be very un-Grimm-like in terms of not killing ALL blutbladens,

A long running time does not equal a bad movie, SO LONG AS the movie has high quality.

I just assumed he had a gut feeling. Clearly, for his character to have survived as long as he did, he had to be smarter than your average bear. As Axle Foley would say, he's not just a cop… he's a SUPER-cop (insert slow clap here). Plus it was an easy, no harm no foul way to test "Bill" on whether he was telling

Would have LOVED if he got some gift from Bruce in the form of a $28K gift certificate to the dealership or something, and then Van was just obtuse or obnoxious about it… "he's always trying to show off!" :D

Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the writers basically took the "you're a bad guy, not a BAD guy" line from "Wreck It Ralph"?