Carlos R.

Again with the speedster villains :D

Fair enough. I guess I meant "somewhat uninterested". Post updated.

He's a director that slants towards humor. If you're not down with T:R leaning towards humor, be mad at Marvel for hiring him, not at Waititi for doing his thing.

I find myself somewhat uninterested with this season's goal, i.e., saving Iris. I'm pretty sure they'll almost not succeed, it'll seem like they didn't succeed, then they'll succeed. I'm already wondering what's next.

I'm surprised not one of them was thinking "double cross". Would have been a fun "I told you so" if Julian thought it and was dismissed.

I think Cisco is more like HR's father 😄

[insert Jon Lovitz "ACTING!!!" meme here]

When they mentioned the wheelchair guy as a suspect, I'm sure "red herring" popped up on many of our minds, mine included. Specifically, I thought of the character "Redd Herring" from the 90s cartoon show "A Pup Named Scooby Doo". The child version of Freddy would always accuse him of being the culprit, and would

I enjoyed Constantine. Probably helped that I wasn't a reader of the Hellblazer comic though.

Well… Trump's selection of Steve Bannon has America “especially upset”, so this works out then :D

As a joke I'd been saying that Ted Nugent would eventually join Kid Rock :D

I feel like there was a missed opportunity for Craig to embrace Grafelnik, maybe with Zorn's help, and take revenge on Santa to help with his fear.

The physical comedy in that re-enactment felt so organic… it flowed so smoothly. The great execution kinda reminded me of the Austin Powers bit where he's nakedly talking to someone and the camera dances around so that stuff appears in front of his bits and pieces just in time.

Of those, 412 were accounts from real people… the rest were bots.

That makes sense.

Here's my theory RE the mixup… I think (not gonna call her "fake") OUR Eleanore is the one who tried to save Real Eleanore in a rare moment of good. ("Watch out for that shopping cart idiot!"). And when whomever came to collect their souls, because of their similarities, they assumed that the one who tried to save

I kinda hoped they would have referred to Section 12C (which covers the continental US and Mexico) as Sector 7G instead, as a shout out to the Simpsons.

No. And I don't think she's gonna rat Jason out either unless she's sure it means damning a Real Jianyu. Jason hasn't been honest, but he hasn't tried to sell hard lies, and I don't think they've been romantic so there's no betrayal there. He's just been trying to survive, causing as little impact as possible.

That'll probably be Trevor's argument. Why should (not saying "fake") OUR Eleanor get an exemption if the other "middle" people don't?

I don't think it was romantic… just a friend she happily would have hooked up with.