Carlos R.

Anyone else think that the effects that preceded The Flash's entry into his childhood room were a nod to the "double-tap" that always precedes the Delorean's re-entry in Back to the Future? They did do the Quantum Leap "Oh boy" thing when he first traveled through time… so it wouldn't surprise me.

Speculation on Dr. Snow's future based on some of the stuff that The Flash producers have said about Season 2… so… SPOILERS-ish?

I enjoyed Jack Reacher. I've actually enjoyed most, if not all of Tom Cruise's movies in the past several years. The spy thing with Cameron Diaz, all of his sci-fi stuff. Not killin' it marketing wise, but great movies, some of which I would have been happy to see in theaters.

Holt's farewell speech was like watching a Vulcan's stoicism crack, if only for a moment. It something you simply don't expect to see, and I have to say that these eyes watered up just a bit.

How many of them were employees of a government agency that had previously kidnapped someone and forced them to be a soldier under threat of death to friends and family? But that didn't stop Barry from outing himself in front of Lyla. (She's cool, but Barry didn't know that then)

I was a little put off by how closely it resembled the SNL parody "Black Widow: Age of ME", but gotta say I dig me those super SFX.

I don'y buy Oliver honoring his agreement to Malcolm, at all. Plus, the writers had a couple of opportunities to deal with Malcolm in a more satisfying, more believable way. He could have turned himself in as The Arrow earlier in the season, or even taken a bullet or arrow for any of Team Arrow.

The meta-human black site was always problematic. In a world of the impossible, that required the most suspension of disbelief. They joked about it once, but how did these people eat, go to the bathroom, etc? Why wouldn't they just be screaming at the cameras every day to be released, and what kind of people would

Barry: "Hey Snart. I'm going to borrow your freeze gun (…that you stole from STAR Labs and that ANYONE can operate), but I give you my word I'll return it (…even if it's technically not yours)."

With the exception of the excellent Karate Kid play episode, I don't think the writers have any idea how to use Ken Jeong on the show; good that he's getting his own vehicle (although I do hope he tones it down a bit from what I saw in the trailer). But Paget Brewster would be a loss, and its a shame too seeing how

Maybe we'll get a corrected, non-paradoxical restoration of the timeline with Dr. Wells Classic alive and well, but motivated to create the particle accelerator sooner because reasons.

(just watched on NetFlix)

I hope he doesn't have dreams of becoming a TV weatherperson

Just watch the final season on Netflix this past weekend… hence the delay on this comment.

Anyone else get the feeling that a 2nd chance for Hank-dalind is on the horizon? 😀

a Grimm Watcher Council would have had this stuff scanned already… S'alls I'm sayin'!

…and by weeping uncontrollably you of course mean swimming in his money bin giddy that the newest Joker will not come close to his own 😀

Everything Sean suggests with respect to the "on-the-nose"-ness of this character is spot on… Yet darnit if I don't find an insane smile creep up on my face when I think about this iteration of Mistah Jay being added to the Joker Pantheon.

If by leaked you mean "shrewdly released on authority of the studio for viral marketing purposes", then yes, it was "leaked"

I compare the movie Daredevil to the product that would have come if, in the Netflix Daredevil universe, Hollywood eventually buys the rights to the story, and the movie would be some parody version of that, with Matt being pissed at how much they changed his story.