Carlos R.

You know that Leland is secretly the best thief of them all given how well he steals the comic relief role from Foggy… ZING!

I thought the same thing when I watched the trailer (before even seeing this article). This is the first time I remember really regretting seeing a trailer.

Was anyone else expecting Malcolm Merlyn to pull the "I am Spartacus" bit at the end instead of Roy-senal? Seems like it would have been the perfect way for him make up for his past sins, and begin the healing between himself and Thea. Plus, if he also copped to orchestrating the murder of Sara Lance, Chief Lance

If it ain't broke…

When Oliver said "super suit", I immediately flashed to the scene between Frozone and his wife in The Incredibleshttp://www.imdb.com/title/t…

While it may have been a throw-away joke, I can see Merlyn diggin' The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt for a number of reasons.

Includes hilarious 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony cameo or it doesn't count :D

(at this point I've only seen "Dunk the Skunk")

I know it was funny to see everything go the Reverend's way in court, but I would have loved it if he tried to question the FBI's psychic pig who found the mole women, and for whatever reason, the pig just squeeled nastily at the Reverend, making the pig the only one "witness" smart enough to not fall for the

Tell you what… Why don’t you keep her safe and I’ll go be The Flash?”

He goes through time, then says "Oh Boy", ala Dr. Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap?!?! Writers of The Flash…? Will your geeky brains marry me?! :D

You just need to add a CSI: Miami style sunglasses removal to go with that joke, and it's GOLD!

<old timey="" irish="" cop="" accent=""> You might rabbit… you might.

On Fridays, it's the local NPR station all day, starting with the News Roundups on Diane Rehm's, the local news roundup and arts beat, All Things Considered, Talk of the Nation: Science Friday, the whole shebang.

No spoilers, but I think this show truly hits its stride once it stopped trying to buhbreeze away its 30 Rock past and truly embraces its (older) sister show's style.

I would be very surprised if this article's headline isn't nominated for a 2015 Pulitzer Award in Clever and/or Snarky Headlines.

Instead of the Afroman defense, they should have gone with the Weird Al defense. :D #wordcrimes

Was anyone else reminded of Fox's OTHER post-apocalyptic sitcom… it's from the 90's and was called 'Whoops', about a nuclear "misunderstanding" and starring the guy who played David Duchovny's best friend-slash-agent Runkel from 'Californication'.

Why can't Netflix release episodes like you guys release reviews! :D I've already binged through the whole season… SON OF A…!!

Apparently the KGB No. 2 who was loyal to maybe-Archer's-Dad was rewarded with a super sexy cybernetic chick because karma reasons.