Carlos R.

Taking odds now on Mooney completely screwing over the prisoners to save her own skin… accept for her PA (prison assistant) Kelly(?), aka, Lil Butch.

I thought the actor playing Lil Joker was tapping more into Jack Nicholson's Joker m'self, at least physically. I could see him tapping into both maybe, or possibly a mixture of live action, animated, and comic Joker influences… I imagine we'll each see the Joker influence we wanna see.

I know I'm a little late to the part on this, but just binge watched the Jan/Feb episodes this weekend… took me two episodes in to figure out "Tondeecee" was short for Washington DC, even though they established that as the city they were in/around earlier in the season, what with the Lincoln Memorial.

CW Execs to "The 100": We need a proof of concept on Gorilla Grodd for "The Flash". We know it doesn't necessarily go with the tone of your show or whatever, but go ahead and do one of those so we can see if it's believable or not, will ya' sweet cakes. [slaps "The 100" Exec Producers on the ass]

Well @fritzoid… if you wanted to make me cry, mission accomplished!

Say what you will about the Langmans', but I don't doubt for one second that they thoroughly compliment each other. You could do worse than marrying your BFF :D

The Riddler / Penguin scene should have been shorter. Just a brief moment where they are accidentally next to each other instead of that drawn out whatever-it-was.

If you're trying to match which one of these women go with which one of the originals, you're setting yourself up for a letdown. They're each talented comedians who I'm sure will bring something new and fun to their respective parts.

Had to watch "Ron and Jammy" twice, if only to see the enjoyable performance by Jon "Jeremy Jamm" Glaser in the restaurant scene one more time. Given the shortened season, I imagine this is the last time we'll see both Jamm and Tammy 2 :( …but great sendoffs for them both if it was :)

I think we gotta change your username to "Captain Obvious" :D

Grown Ups 3: Now with Jason Bourne or whatever. Note to self: make sure to change this title before submitting to the studio… or not. Honestly they'll take whatever you submit. Balls.

I now pronounce you Jason and Bourne

Gonna say that Kevin James as Jason Bourne was my favorite 2017 detail. Cause imagine the dramatic changes in talent and physique that dude would have to go through to have earned that role :D

I was thinking the same thing of Sousa, `cause you don't cast Enver Gjokaj after Dollhouse and not have him et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Would have been cool if, just once, Batman and Robin stood face to face with Arrow and Speedy, and the sidekicks just looked at how similar their color scheme was :D

Kinda wish Tala fell for Flash after this ep; that they had a secret "star-crossed" relationship and he maybe even got her to change sides. But then again, may be for the best that didn't happen because nine-year-old spoilers :D

Yes! Especially if, before Lex revealed himself, he had an interaction with the Question that would make it obvious he wasn't what he appeared, but the Question didn't pick up any of his conspiracy vibes at all. :D #fanficedit

Yeah… actually a pretty close cousin to the Young Justice joke.

Good point. I'll add though that Vigilante only seems to shoot at things that can take the shooting and that don't just die like a normal person would. So really NONE of their weapons are technically lethal, or used in a lethal manner :D

Funny! Is this a quote, or did you come up with this yer'self?