Carlos R.

Felt like there were more hits than misses, but barely. For the first episode after a LONG summer, you'd think that the writers would have had more ideas coming in.

Pharoah's impression of Sharpe went into the ridiculously mean column. Felt like he didn't trust the writing.

Moloch been watching a lot of "Friday Night Lights" on Netflix recently. All the Coach Taylor-isms have started to rub off on him.

Moloch may be the bringer of end times, but you gotta appreciate his "let's work the problem" forward-looking attitude when it comes to setbacks. When the deputy failed him in S1, he killed (and resurrected) that dude, but he didn't kill Henry for failing to get the key. He's growing as a better leader, and dare I

I really dug Piper's compliment to O'Neil after he delivered the furlough rules in a memorized speech that he presumably NEVER has to deliver… she said what we were all thinking.

They've tried twice to top the original, and have yet to do so. Give the franchise rest, and let him play with the Avengers. Then in 5 to 10 years, reboot or tell new Iron Man stories with a new actor.

Matt Damon is a great actor and will probably serve this script well, but this character seemed right up Ryan Reynolds alley.

"[Alfafa] grew up. He filled out."

If only the Alliance thought to just show "The Simpsons" non-stop to the people of Planet Miranda instead of pumping Pax into the atmosphere! That would have saved us a LOT of Reaver trouble! #Serenity #Firefly #ObscureReference?

Just to be clear, the robot IS a robotic version of "Mr. Belvedere" from that 80's sitcom, right? What with the "Mr. B." and the way he calls everyone "Wesley", like a character from said sitcom? Or is my subconscious need for more Mr. Belvedere in my life just making me see things that aren't there?!

She’s also not blonde and is far more prone to making mistakes and acting like a human.

To paraphrase Dark Helmet… "Episode 6 Recap? What the HELL happened to Episode 5?!"

Forgot about the "cheating the audience of their way too high expectations" scenarios! :D

RE the Simpsons/Futurama crossover, possible scenarios:

My issue is that, could another referee have seen the same "dogging it" and decided not to add the time? Like, out of five refs, how many would have added the extra minute?

The TV announcer first said 4 minutes. While the announcer certainly doesn't trump the referees, presumably the announcer knows enough about the sport to make a good determination of what the extra time should be. Which just points to the arbitrariness of how these "extra minutes" are determined. CAN. NOT. STAND.

Look Man! I ain't fallin' for no banana ice cream in my tail pipe again!!

And here I was just thinking "man, I wish there was a reason to make me never wanna go to Ben & Jerry's again". Thanx guys, for naming a flavor after arguably one of THE WORST F***IN' CHARACTERS in SNL history :D

I agree. They even included more characters in the second half of the series, somewhat in the same way that JLU expanded the universe. I really enjoyed how they portrayed SM… great dialogue and really liked how the character moved.

Cool character in the show; I didn't care for how they handled the switch to Yellow Jacket though. I found that to be the biggest victim of the shortened show length and number of seasons. A friend familiar with the comics has subsequently briefed me on Yellow Jacket, but I feel like the transition was way too