Carlos R.

No comparison between the two, and I concur… the USM animated version of SM is WAY too smarmy. Makes me wanna smack the sh*t out of him. And I don't like the Ultimate way of SM needing SHIELD's training. Too much SHIELD. :D Plus the way SM breaks the fourth wall… He's stealing Deadpool's schtick… which was

Any chance there was a brief Simon Pegg cameo in the form of the carjacking victim that wasn't punched, or was that just this fanboys hopes and dreams getting in the way of reality? :D

Not sure if this is THE episode, but it's around this one… where Ollie basically name-checks his political leanings… I was so surprised and impressed that a cartoon show thought enough about the intelligence of their audience to mention something like that.

Mark's Inner Monologue during his meeting with Jack:

Simone agreeing to kill her in-laws reminded me of when Anakin killed the Padawans… It was all TOO evil for the respective characters to be believable. Out of all the outrageousness, I found the scenes relating to the in-laws the hardest to swallow.

Why'd you have to compare it to Chuck?! That makes me think that there's a world where Sarah and Chuck worked for the CIA, but she believed that he would betray the country… and that makes me sad :(

Why doesn't Jack just straight up ask who the mole is at whatever the base of operations is? That should be the FIRST thing he has Chloe do

How much of that behind the back lift did Yvonne Stahovski have to endure herself? I'm guessing there were doubles and maybe a lift suit of some kind so her arms wouldn't tear out of her sockets, but that was a hardcore position to be put in. Kudos for any close-ups where she had to have her arms behind her like

I just assumed that he was a mole for the Chinese, `cause that's who they said the husband sold secrets to, but on the other hand, that would be too simple. This IS 24 we're talking about, so clearly he was talking to President Heller using a fake accent :D

So I just burned through Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Hero's on Netflix this weekend, and one of the last few episodes involved the "Council of Kangs", which reminded me of the Council of Ricks (both Councils are more or less the same thing), and made me smile :)

Feel like the image you used for the article is a spoiler of sorts, itself. Cause Morpheus don't look so good, what with the bleeding and the groping of the throat. Bad form AV Club… BAD FORM!

And he isn't playing The Flash, he's playing The Blur.

"Arrow arrows all villains who need arrowing in the Arrow finale"

Yeah… nothing's happened so far, even by comic soap opera standards, that suggests that he's in love with Felicity to the point where he has to proclaim it.

The young woman who plays Amanda Waller is nice and all, but can the CW walk over to SiFi* and just hire CCH Pounder to play "The Wall" already?! I don't think anyone would mind that one cast change. :D

I've finally seen the first season of Young Justice on Netflix, which showcases Captain Marvel / Shazam in a few more episodes, and really feel like there's great potential for a movie with that character. The idea of a kid that has to pose as a mature adult, and help people. Really looks to be a solid formula for a

I think this really demonstrates one of the core reasons Lex Luthor dislikes Superman… ultimately, to Lex, Superman is a bully. Yes, Lex Luthor does criminal actions… but for all intents and purposes, Lex is a nerd and Clark is a jock. Lex uses his intelligence to get what he wants; Superman uses brute force. If

I thought that best man sketch was the best of the night. Just kept revealing more and more, and Keenan's "boy, sit your ass down!" was a solid way to end it. A great example of solid sketch structure IMHO.

I can only assume that the writers have a rule about never using "Broken Arrow" as a episode title… but MAN "BROKEN ARROW" would have made for a PERFECT EPISODE TITLE! :D

We've encountered the Royals and the Wesen Council. Hopefully this will finally bring in whatever leadership the grimms have. And given that Nick's mother was assigned to give Adalind's child safe passage, there needs to be some sort of organizational structure.