Carlos R.

Are there gonna be any actual dinosaurs, in this, EW dinosaur movie photo spread? Hello? Hello?

It just hit me that the bald S.A.(?) was the main Fringe Observer. Given how long he played, what was basically a robotic vulcan, I'm so jazzed when he gets to play "people"

So Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. = Live Action GI Joe? WORKS. FOR. ME.

As for Beth, I'd think it be bold if the writers left it at that. In this new world, sometimes people are just TOOK, period, for nefarious purposes. On the other hand, sux for us and the actress that she get's gone when we just started to get to know her.

I totally get the Hulk analogy… but I couldn't help but think of of George McFly when he looks up at Biff laughing, at Lorraine on the floor, and finally goes lizard brain!

PS2: Really dig finding out that Archer really doesn't know that much about porn, due to him never not needing it. Great little tidbit to add to the character that I'm sure will be brought up once or twice again.

I was wondering when Krieger would just repair Gillette's legs already. Great that he just didn't think to do it though :D

I've also wondered why Lana is still there. I figure she can't get another job because she's pregnant, and that doesn't fly in that world's espionage world. As far as not bailing on the mansion, A) all her money's been seized presumably so she has no where else to go, and B) she does have an affection for them which

On the one hand, Brett should have known better since he's a trained intelligence agent. On the other hand, Brett WAS trained by ISIS, so… you knooooow…

Not that we should in ANY way start pulling realism thread, but if Rick can't be bothered to run a small business, how in the hell is he a partner in a major (micro) theme park? :D

Just watched this ep yesterday, and was under the impression that it would be a bigger shock, or that based on all the images that showed up, that Carol was going to be the one killed off. Didn't seem that shocking to me, as it's a natural progression of what they've been doing with the character.

Speaking of pendulum swings, seems like this show is happy to go from "abandon your family in a hellish alternate universe" one episode, to "doing crap you don't want to do to cheer up your grandson who almost got assaulted by a gumdrop man(?)" in another.

That was 100% classic Brad Williams. If they just straight up turned Coach into a Coach/Brad hybrid, I wouldn't mind that one bit. And if some of the Happy Endings gang guest cameo'd from time to time, even better!

Unfortunately for Kyle Bornheimer, I think Worst Week WAS the perfect vehicle for him. Even though it was a Meet the Parents rip-off, I thought that show was pretty solid, in no small part to his work. If anything, I believe it qualifies as a successful, Brit-com style mini-series.

If I'm not mistaken, FOX is also not gonna "recap" Raising Hope anymore after this season. No tears for Greg Garcia and company though… four(?) years on television is a lifetime for a series.

"Stealth and cunning are two things that do NOT AGE!" … (furrow's brow)

This show is probably like what tagging along with Doctor Who would ACTUALLY be like. Danger, pain, fear & stress 95% of the time, and only being spared grisly death after grisly death as an afterthought by a sociopathic genius :D

GREAT line reading! :D And I gotta say… really dug how much Snuffles loved Morty. It was probably a small moment of sweetness in a show that will have very few of them during its run.

I was surprised that Grandpa Rick actually shared Morty's disgust and shock in seeing Dream Summer. Apparently Rick will have SOME lines he won't cross (or at least, will be reluctant to cross) from time to time, although clearly much farther than anyone else would go.

Thanx AV Club! Didn't even realize that Netflix had RONIN or BRICK, two movies I've had on my film bucket list but never got around to.