Carlos R.

Instead of bickering about which Naked Gun is best, let us all instead chant "Enrico! Pallatzo!" in unison, wherever we may be at the moment.

One of those comedy scenes that truly works on multiple levels. The disparity between the two lists, and the cutting back and forth to emphasize that. The Muppet list by itself being ridiculous, even without the comparison. PLUS I loved that, as sad as the Muppets checklist already was, making it so that most of

Sure this has been covered, but…

Yeah… I'll be cranking that gem out later tonight! :D

Awwweee. I missed that pic :D

Even though this is first and foremost a superhero show and a lot of belief-suspension must be had, am I the only one that thought the Queen's lawyer should have objected the hell outta the prosecutor giving testimony for Thea. Even a simple "Sustained! — I'll rephrase Your Honor" would do :D .

…and why couldn't SHIELD be bothered to try to keep him on our world permanently? Does a stern talking to no longer make him a threat, or worthy of saving? :D

- Boring episode… agree whole-heartedly with D+

Sounds like the only people who upvoted are fans of the Greek alphabet

Disclaimer: Saw this ep through Hulu and the opening monologue, the cover songs sketch, and the Future Gaga sketches were not included, usually due to music licensing issues. With that said…

That Rainman sketch had a similar concept to last year's Key & Peele Episode 2.8

When you saw the body melting, did anyone else hear "Breaking Bad did it" in their head, in the same vein as South Park's "Simpsons did it"? :D

I'll see your "Andy Richter Controls the Universe", and raise you an "Andy Barker: P.I.", which I recall to have found even more entertaining… plus BUSTER BLUTH!

(insert Ron Burgandy "Well… THAT escalated quickly" image here) :D

F*** with the woman who makes me breakfast?!  Not on MY WATCH, BITCH!"

"…and to think Marie.  This happening only two weeks from my retirement!"

Fashion Foreshadowing: Marie wearing dark/black instead of her regular purple (already mentioned on this thread… widow colors), and Skyler with a purple undershirt visible at the end of her sleeves, indicating the beginning of her re-aligned loyalty to Team Schraeder.

"I came here to chew breakfast and kick ass… and I'm all out of breakfast!" - Walt, Jr.

That line could NOT have been delivered any better! :D