The Other Kind

The addition of Felicia Day and Patton Oswalt kind of lessens the prestige feel of the project.

That article is a masterpiece, I only blame myself for not having the patience to read it.

I haven't read comics in a long time (which will be obvious in a few words and a parenthesis) but who is Cable's mother?

Hey, can I get one of them User Blocked thingies too?

There are either sequels, or movies getting sequels, one of something is never enough.

Shut up and get off my lawn.

I read that as RIP Chuck Berry and had to do a double check of the date.

The whole movie was good but Jason Statham was the highlight.

When we went to Logan on Friday afternoon the theater was packed with little girls in Disney Princess costumes. I know it doesn't help overthrow the Patriarchy but it was adorable none the less.

We went to an Irish pub, watched a local Irish band (who were pretty good) and drank Guinness. We didn't intend on being a cliché, it just worked out that way. One of our favorite pizza places is also an Irish bar and we went the day after St Patrick's Day not making the connection. We walked in and right away

I agree with your Logan assessment. It's very good but seems way too over hyped.

Spy was pretty good but also pretty forgettable. Is there someone out there watching it more than once?

Even the name brand whiskeys are about $8.00 cheaper at the Costco in town. The place is a national treasure.

"March is already on track to be the highest-viewed month in our long history" You know what that means! More Trump!

Thank you.

I'm sorry, I feel like I should know what the 'shippers reference is but I don't. Could someone please explain?

"…relatively less offensive 'Nazi…'" Say what now?

Then Fresh Jive doesn't seem a fitting Disqus handle.

How's he going to have time to do this with all those Alien movies? Sorry if someone has already cracked that lame joke, I usually check but can't take the new comment section so…

An Asian Danny Rand, you mean like the awesome Shang-Chi?!?