The Other Kind

Well, at least 2 minutes of the film is decent, however, what they do with the rest of it remains a mystery.

He seems like he'd be a natural fit to be harvesting shit and railing against the violence inherent in the system.

Hey Kids! Look! Comics!

It sounds pretty much how I remember it from the 80's especially the black and white magazines with no comic's code. He's always been pretty unsympathetic. Looks like it from the panels too.

What am I? An amateur? You never stand there waiting for a William Taft or a Harding to fall on you. Sheesh.

I'd like to believe, if given the opportunity I wouldn't really punch anyone in the face.

He’s History's Greatest Monster!

I would expect nothing less and would be fine with that.

Especially him.

I think Cooper's point is valid. These things in the press, the things people get bent out of shape over are distractions. They always have been. People need to go to government websites (federal, state and local) and read the legislation being proposed, that's where you learn what government is doing and how it

I'll be honest, I can't think of a President since Lincoln that I wouldn't punch in the face at least once.

And reading Donald Trump's thoughts on the latest Alec Baldwin skit on Saturday Night Live will bring the masses the clarity they need?

Hey AV Club, take a lesson from respected professional journalist, Anderson Cooper.

Dear God

For grey poupon?

I don't find Ra's Al Ghul to be a ridiculous villain at all. Maybe that's just me?

YES! Thank you.

The myth is we don't produce anything and we're a service based economy, the truth is we are #2 in manufacturing after China. Of course with automation, unskilled labor is still screwed. Uber drivers won't have to worry about working for an evil corporation in a few years.

I'm not wealthy by any generous creative definition you could come up with, I also have no insight to the financial system. I worked at the same company for 11 years. They had one of the better 401k packages but by no means a Cadillac plan, it was fairly standard. I left the company, rolled it into an IRA through

I dunno, she looks pretty happy in the photo.