The Other Kind

I really enjoyed the first one and as a result am looking forward to this one.

A waiter at my favorite restaurant does that and I can testify that is a great technique as well.

I agree with Dragon's but haven't tried Young's. So many beers, so little time.

The nitrogen cans are definitely the way to go but I'm afraid I don't have any special technique. I start off with a pint glass tilted ever so slightly and straighten it as I go. It's taken a lot of practice to get the speed down so that I have a nice even head, not too tall but with a good foam release from the

Pilsners. So good.

I have a six pack of Left Hand Milk Stout waiting for me in the fridge and you've just made me want to leave work early. It is in a three way tie for my affections with Paulaner Hefe-Weizen and Guinness.

And I'm pretty sure his career spanned more than a decade.

WHAT THE HELL! I love Bill Paxton! A guy like that deserves better than this sloppy sentence, "Most Paxton was starring in Fox’s Training Day TV series, but his decade-spanning work…" Do better AV Club.

I didn't intend it in a "real men don't watch Sons of Anarchy" way. I watched it pretty passively just because my wife wanted to watch something together and this was one of the few shows we could get close to agreeing on. Fortunately we both loved Justified. Anyway, I digress. I could never fathom the internal

Are there any guys out there willing to cop to watching SOA? I always got the impression that it was a show women enjoyed more than men. I never liked it but my wife loved it. The only time I've been able to drag her to a motorcycle show was when David Labrava was at one taking photos. There were three of us guys

Wait. Are we talking jackets or sex now?

That too. A warm soft, wonderful North Face jacket.

Can the body digest paper easily? I know when my dog eats a paper towel it all comes out in one uncomfortable looking knot.

A sneeze.

This can't be healthy, right? In any sense of the word.

I thought Snow was Canada's Snow?

Actually no. Not at all.

I think the key is "…a genuine regime of international law." I'm assuming he would prefer a world court or more power through the United Nations. I know virtually nothing about him but just reading the stuff Sum Gui posted he doesn't seem like a military interventionist. Although given human history I would say the

I don't know. This almost seems kind of pointless, maybe that's just me though.

So a breezy little summer read?