The Other Kind

I think I'll enjoy this.

Drunken Master II, so good you forget the long periods where our intrepid hero is concerned with a ginseng root.

Why is the go to, AV Club response always to the negative? I didn't go there myself except a few times but it seemed to me a lot of people that like movies liked to discuss them there. But nooooo, a few bad apples mention boobies and it's the Rapture. It would be different if it was just a brief mention but the

I always suspected Elon Musk was a Bond villain. Or more of a Hank Scorpio kind of guy.

Are you sure his name isn't Clark Savage Sr.?

I'm sorry miss but I've read too much from too many sources that say otherwise. Including some of PETA's own propaganda. There are many better animal groups to donate and promote. I suggest the Denver Dumb Friends League for people in Colorado.

You big sweet lovable nerd you.

The problem isn't euthanasia but the philosophy behind it. PETA run shelters have a significantly higher kill rate than other similar kill shelters. Their reasoning is animals are better off dead than slaves to humans (their words, not mine). Their shelter kill rates are close to 90%. Most kill shelters euthanize

Wow, I'm really surprised to see all the positive posts on this. I never cared for Adam Lambert and didn't really see anything good coming from this given how much I love Freddie Mercury. I guess I'll refrain from my "Hey look at the idiot in the stupid VR glasses" comment I was going to make.

I feel this way about most franchises but I'm in the minority. I have to say though there was a time the preteen me would hyperventilate at the thought of a new Star Wars film every year for the next ten years.

I have always loved Last Action Hero. "Big Gun" is one of AC/DC's greatest songs, and the entire soundtrack was pretty good. I can still see the scene of the helicopter shooting up the elevator in my mind even though it's been a decade or more since I've seen the movie. Really the only thing I didn't care for was

There was a time that I thought my favorite Hong Kong directors and actors coming to the US to make movies would be a great thing. That was always right before they did it. I think it may have to do with the lax safety standards in Asia. I'm not sure if that dude on the motorcycle lived after plowing into those

Sarah Conner/Linda Hamilton really was the backbone of T2 and why I feel like action movies today are so lacking (at the risk of sounding like cranky old guy). Even the movies like the Fast and Furious franchise that prides itself on the family narrative don't have those real moments, it's Vin and the crew saying


I remember seeing quite a few of these signs while growing up in the 80's in southeastern Ohio too.

Took me a minute but totally worth it.

I don't know, it feels like the creators of the movie miss the point of the movie.

This whole, "How about that time so and so said something horrible about my parties such and such," has reached peak saturation. How about "two wrongs don't make a right," or the Golden Rule? Or just good old fashioned manners. Does anyone remember that one? Honestly of all of that stuff the only one I don't

This just in from 1996…

This reminds me a lot of the time a bunch of people got together and flipped off the Trump Tower. Why are we allowing inanimate objects to fight our battles? DOES HUMAN EXCEPTIONALISM MEAN NOTHING TO YOU PEOPLE???