The Other Kind

The only reason I can think you may have that impression is he's hardcore anti-gun. Many Conservatives hated him for that reason. Now many Conservatives love him because of Trump. They got a thing going on.

Is it me or is Piers Morgan kind of a dick?

I was intrigued by your comment and checked it out, it's a much more complicated origin then I would have imagined.

I'd like to give Sig…ugh, sorry, I feel bad enough to not finish that but not bad enough to go ahead and post this.

I give him this, screen savers were definitely a thing. Now let's get back to that whole Dippin' Dots controversy!

Yeah, maybe that was worded poorly. It's one of those problems that comes up every couple of months but seems to only serve the purpose of generating headlines and getting a response for a day. So she got fired and some of us are outraged and some aren't that concerned. Okay, now what? What do we do about it or

I kind of feel sorry for him, in every picture I see of him he has sad eyes.

Why would it? It's been happening for as long as there's been social media (probably longer). Jon Ronson has a pretty good book about it called "So You've Been Publicly Shamed". It's not a new Trump phenomenon. Disclaimer, I'm not saying it's right.

I played Far Harbor. I think Fallout 4 would have been a bigger hit if it were more like it's DLC. Sure there are still fetch quests but the story was pretty engrossing and the side quests were mostly enjoyable. I especially liked the Vault 118 murder mystery. It was quite buggy though with some awkwardly timed

I like funny stuff. I will not be donating.

"He’s introduced when a fellow drifter (played by a more traditionally grizzly Scott Glenn) comes upon him in the desert, lying unconscious in his long underwear."

"We" as in the royal we? Because I'm not confused by it at all.

Kudos on the correct term "bated breath".

Comic store owners in your town seem to wield a disproportionate amount of power.

Yeah, I'm not sure. I mean this is a far cry from Michael Vick territory. I'm not sure how much danger the dog's life was in being surrounded by a safety crew. If he's anything like my dogs someone probably waved a Snausage in his face and he was fine.

Ah, a Sandler movie to mock. It's been a while. It feels comfortable, like a favorite old worn in flannel shirt.

You'd be amazed at how much people don't care about your politics when teaching gun safety. If you have an indoor range in the area that's a safe bet for classes. They probably have different guns you can try out before buying, although sometimes that bonus comes only with a membership which can be expensive.

Does the chair match the wall or is it part of the wall or is the wall formed to be a chair? I don't know what I'm seeing here, up is down, down is up, Donald Trump is going to be President. *Breathes into bag.*

I agree, she's very attractive and seems to have suffered disproportionately for her role in the scandal. I don't know anything about her now but I hope she's happy and doing well.

I'm just going to assume they're all female.