The Other Kind

Lucille Ball

The Governor is a douche but my first thought when reading the headline was, "When isn't he?"

Jet Li.

I was just getting back on here to add him.

Hey! Let's all start naming attractive Asians. Bruce Lee.

Thanks for clarifying the joke AV Club. I read about it on another site and didn't get it, I'm slow that way or the joke wasn't funny AND didn't make sense.

I actually laughed at some of the stuff in the trailer, I can't say that's happened in awhile. Plus I love any movie with physical motorcycle stunts.

I know it's tough being an entertainment writer but I long for a day when every story about Star Trek doesn't use "boldly" in the title.

Great! More games to look forward to buying and never getting around to playing. I swear by all that's holy, I will finish Witcher 2 and 3 this year!

The visuals were gorgeous. I actually chuckled out loud at the scene of the teacher addressing the children and their puzzled reaction. I think Cate Blanchett is brilliant but having said all that this looks pretentious. Judging by comments below I'm sure some of you think there's no such thing as too much Cate but

Damn it, you beat me to it. I found it funny that while they may have been doing stuff the last eight years no one was really paying attention until Trump won.

Slow news day, eh?

Fix that headline!

I bet that felt good didn't it?

I would have never made the connection. How did it occur to whoever is in charge of trademarking rock band's names? Couldn't they have done what I did to the DMV for my vanity plate? "No it stands for 'Pen is', you know like the pen is mightier than the sword", works every time.

I can't help but think I'm seeing the collapse of the country I love.

I'm betting I get more entertainment and pleasure from one gruff Tom Hardy grunt than I get out of anything else I watch this year (except Game of Thrones, almost forgot Game)


Why would Supergirl just fly through the roof of her house? That's just irresponsible.

I don't know. I hated his Joker but thought he was decent in Dallas Buyers Club. Aside from Fight Club those are the only two movies I've ever really noticed him in. I just really hated his Joker. Maybe he'll be more restrained in Blade Runner. The trailer is promising though.