The Other Kind

I was hopefully optimistic when it was Ryan Gosling but I may be out with Jared Leto too.

The Fury, Amy Irving, oh my.

Not just somewhere, right there halfway down lane 4

Went bowling. Christ I suck at bowling. I'm good at the drinking part though.

Fallon is Russian?

"On one hand you have an award show often mocked for the disjointed and arbitrary selection process exercised by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, and on the other you have a talk show host who tousled Donald Trump’s hair instead of calling him on his bigoted campaign messages and came across as a spineless

What the hell was she thinking?

I saw them at Red Rocks on the same tour. All my years of being a fan and that was the first time I saw them live in concert. I was kicking myself wondering why I hadn't done it sooner.

There's no bigger Rush fan than I but I have to say they are a mixed bag of the brilliant and the boring. Roll The Bones for example is one half great rock album and one half of the worst. They've done some forgettable stuff. Having said that the thing I love about them is they continue to try new things and evolve

I'm playing Pillars of Eternity on the recommendation of a friend. I never really got into slow RPG story driven games that much but I'm starting to enjoy them. They lend themselves better to whiskey drinking than games that require hand/eye coordination.

Ron? Is that you?

WHAT! You mean they aren't going to quit making Star Wars movies now that Princess Leia is gone? This is unprecedented.

Poop jokes. That's fun.

That's my CB handle.

One question per comment Goddamn it!

How do I know the color blue I see is the same color blue you see?

Tom Hardy on TV is something I'm excited for. I hope he brings along Woody for those more quiet, introspective moments.

You shouldn't be flamed, to go through life with that level of atrocious taste is punishment enough.

I always get John Mulaney confused with John Mahoney.

Serious question. When was the last season of The Apprentice? I don't watch much TV these days but I would have sworn this show hasn't been on for 3 years or so.