The Other Kind

He directed Blade Runner AND Alien. He can say whatever the fuck he wants.

At the risk of sounding like a hyperbole spouting sycophant, this is absolutely the best reading of a children's book I've ever seen/heard. He was two minutes in to it before I realized he was telling the story and not just having a causal conversation.

Thank you. It needed to be said. Pop culture is my escape from reality, the last thing I want is Trump dragged in to my happy place.

That is some vague, mumbly, bullshit psycho babble right there.

You think you're joking, but if the price is any indication that's exactly how it's done.

The highlight of my pop culture weekend was watching those sweet little girls telling pig jokes. A pig with three eyes indeed.

The Lies of Locke Lamora is a very good book.

AV Club turned into Twitchy so gradually I didn't even notice.

So Tom Arnold is who we're hanging our hopes on?

I'm going to get Witcher 3 during the Steam sale. I want to get through 1 and 2 first but 1 is a slog. I'm not finding it to be satisfying and am thinking of just skipping to 2 which looks much better. I'm not sure if the completest in my can handle it though.

I have the same problem. I've had to be pretty strict on Fallout 4 otherwise every time one of my settlements gets attacked I spend the next three hours going to all my settlements and buffing up the defenses, which leads me to building stores, and so on.

I can't see this just because of the hat.

Isn't this Howard the Duck?

More than one? I don't think it's unreasonable that she doesn't like all of his policies except the one that gave her free stuff.

I checked out his YouTube channel and two minutes into an eight minute "New iPhone 7" prank I developed the theory the other passengers also saw his YouTube channel and did this on purpose.

I saw a CNN video that I can't find now of the passengers backing up Delta's version.

I'm not the "gun nut" I was when I was younger but I do own several and love to shoot. For me it was always the calming affect of lining up the sights and hitting the target. I think you'll find a lot of gun owners are blind to race, religion (but not politics, dear God whatever you do don't bring up politics) and

I agree with the XCOM 2 assessment. There are so many of those great organic big moments that actually make me pump my fist when they happen. Not a lot of games can do that to me. There's nothing as gratifying as having your last man standing take out a ruler with an overwatch shot as it makes a break for the rift.

There was quite a long line and this was in the early 70's so there may have been an element of bitterness. I'm sure he was hoping to be starring in movies instead of signing autographs at car shows in Columbus Ohio. The adult me recognizes that. I'm sure he's no Jerry Lewis.

Actually if you think about it, it's Syndrome's origin