The Other Kind

Didn't all of Hillary's problems start when John Podesta fell for a phishing scam? Two wrongs don't make a right I suppose but still just goes to show politicians are stupid.

I see what you did there. My account is private because I've had people who disagree with me go through and flag everything I've ever written. I'm on here all the time. As for trolling I guess we can debate whether "Hey Libertarians. This is what you get when you vote for Trump and the Republican Party." is

You seem nice.

I just read that the law they've repealed hasn't even taken effect yet. Explain to me how our lives are ruined. You have no online privacy and if you think moaning and bitching about it and getting all worked up into a self-righteous lather changes anything you are more than likely wrong.

Well, I mean that's sort of the way it's going to work right? There is HIPAA to protect medical stuff and I'm sure the same laws concerning some privacy things that are in place for Goggle and Amazon apply to ISPs. Unless they snuck in an exception for themselves they have to expect this I would think. I think I'm

I haven't watched the trailer yet. Did Jeff Lynne do the soundtrack or are you just weird?

I think you can point to any group and find people that claim to belong but don't really get it. I get a kick out of my conservative friends that think Trump is the next coming of Reagan or my liberal friends who didn't find Hillary to be a crony capitalist. Hell, I couldn't even bring myself to vote for the

Maybe I'm not understanding what you mean by coercive? There are laws in place that need to be enforced. There has to be a legal system. I don't believe that's a controversial statement. I don't think any but the most out there libertarian (i.e. a Sovereign Citizen) would dispute that. I guess I'm missing your

They've already tried saying that cell phone companies own your phone information and that they can turn over anything the government asks for. If you remember that was an issue with the Boston bombers I believe (I might have that wrong though). There are restrictions in place already that prevent this kind of stuff

I trust the people with a vested interest in making the money do as much of that as possible. I believe in caveat emptor and think companies will take advantage as much as you let them. I also believe that companies will try their hardest to take advantage. Look at Trump's threats of taxing companies that move jobs

I've always found it odd that leftists are in favor of a $15.00 or more minimum wage but the argument for open borders amounts to little more than so we can import slave labor. I'm not a right winger, I just find portions of both groups inconsistent in their line of reasoning. Who will perform the back breaking

I think you're confusing Libertarians with Conservatives or you know some people that are calling themselves by the wrong name. I haven't checked the Libertarian Party's official platform in several years but they were always pro-choice.

Well put. I've been Libertarian since '96 and I struggle with the perception by non-Libertarians and the belief by a lot of fellow Libertarians that what it means is akin to anarchy. The idea isn't to abandon everything to the free market but to make interference from a government less intrusive.

So far I haven't seen one thing anywhere that explains why this should be met with anything but a big yawn of indifference.

I feel almost bad for saying this but I still don't see what the big deal is. My targeted ads on Facebook are clearly using information on purchases I've made and things on my wish list from Amazon all under the guise of making shopping "easier" for me. I guess it's a matter of who the ISPs sell the stuff to and

Homer smacks T.V., "Be more funny!"

Mind. Blown.

Not if you want to do anything on the internet, and if you do manage to untangle Google's deep tentacles every other search engine, social media website or shopping app is doing it too. As far as arguments go the "Google is free" one seems to make the most sense but even that doesn't really bug me that much. Christ,

Alright, please don't judge but I, not unlike Republicans, am confused on what the difference between Google and Comcast are (in this particular instance). I just pretty much assumed everyone sees everything I do on line and act accordingly. Which is to say do whatever the hell I'm going to do anyway. I know the AV

Or a gay bear.