The Other Kind

"I don't know if I'm hungry or horny."

I always wondered.

I started it a few years back and put it down for a year because of the ugly muted graphics but eventually came back to it. It's actually a lot of fun gameplay and story wise. It looks a lot better on the PC than a PS3 too.

I was addicted to that game for awhile. Coworkers were teasing me about how boring it sounds. It's crazy relaxing though. I'm going to have to revisit it, it's been through a few updates sense I last played.

There are some minor improvements. It's more stable, more vegetation, insects and stuff that makes the world seem fuller. Shadows are better. The rain is fixed so it doesn't come through overhangs and little attention to detail things like that. I'm looking forward to a realistic lighting mod for it. I got it for

Sure he wrote Taxi Driver and Raging Bull but his best work will always be with David Letterman.

My fifth grade teacher was married to John Glenn's cousin.

Oddly enough a few of the conservative websites I read praised it and one even said that politics should be put aside and it was really good. Didn't see it myself because it's country music but still…

You know how Goddamn heavy a grenade is? It would have broken his foot. I'd have a hard time taking the rest of the movie seriously. That just seems weirdly out of place.

24 years! That can't be right! Shit I'm old.

I'm no Walking Dead expert, as a matter of fact the only episode I've seen is the pilot and yes, the horse got eaten.

I always hate it when someone writes, "Why is this news?" but I feel like it's appropriate in this case. Donald Trump threatening to sue someone is like, well, like Donald Trump saying something stupid. It happens so much you can't keep track and at the end of the day it doesn't seem to matter.


"Well, we know for sure now that Justin Bieber is not a robot." Do we? Do we?

Why would the Sheriff use Facebook to track people? Wouldn't he just go to the site and disrupt it right there? This makes no sense and if I go home and find my friends doing this I'm afraid I might have to defriend them for stupidity.

"In the 1960s, Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Wolf Man came for your kids". Shouldn't that be they came for your parents? Or in my case they just came for me.

The more I think about it the more I think there should be a Federal holiday.

Pew has an interesting article on voter participation. We rank 31st in the world for eligible voters with just 53% eligible actually registered. But we have a fairly respectable 84% registered voters actually voting. I would have expected it to be lower. Several of the countries at the top have smaller populations

I think a voting holiday would be great. Not sure why it's not a thing already. I guess I've been lucky having lived in four different states that make it easy to vote.

Here's a link to the laws on time of for voting -