The Other Kind

Well, I agree with them on one thing, I wish I never had to hear about this election again.

That first paragraph was terribly confusing to me.

I'll play this for the baby pig alone.

I first saw him in one of the Myst (number 3 I think) video games. His idiosyncratic acting was mesmerizing. I had no idea until this interview that he was in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. I should really watch that movie again.

Is he suppose to be a space frog?

You're catching some heat but you're exactly correct. I have a lot of liberal friends and a lot of conservative friends on Facebook. Some are more political than others and the trick is knowing which is which and responding accordingly. I also know more than my fair share of Trump supporters and most of them aren't

I know, I keep hoping they don't mess it up and start the will they or won't they b.s.

Now that's a movie I'd watch.

"…a paradise of waist-high walls…" Okay, that's pretty clever.

I love her relationship with Captain America, it's much more interesting than a simple romantic relationship and something better than "just friends". They seem like real colleagues.

I would like to think the majority of people aren't watching the news because that's what they're hoping to see.

I think what he's saying is deleting emails = bragging about sexual assault < bone cancer

Two things here; first leave this guy alone already. Second, the "cleavage loving people at Yandy" need some guidance on what proper cleavage looks like.

A friend and I were talking about Alien the other day and we both pretty much agree with you. It's almost inconceivable the movie came out in 1979.

I've watched Aliens probably over a hundred times. I made a crappy VHS recording off of HBO and watched it until it wore out. Sometimes like Joey with Die Hard I would start it over as soon as it was finished. I haven't seen it in years but I probably still have every scene memorized. I love this fucking movie.

That's funny, I heard the song just the other day and didn't realize back in the 80's how much it did sound like him.

This whole election cycle has been a long string of people saying obvious stuff.

A movie review written in the same incoherent style as the movie it reviews. GENIUS!

Since it's 90's punk week with the Green Day and NOFX reviews I'm just going to say I miss Me First and the Gimme Gimmes most of all.

He turned in to my alcoholic uncle so slowly I didn't even notice.