The Other Kind

Nine out of ten white kids in Breckenridge Colorado agree.

Why do we celebrate the diversity of the Fast and Furious franchise but think a Chinese film or even Chinese/American co-produced film with a white guy in it is "white washing"? Pedro Pascal is also not Chinese, why aren't we bitching about him being in it (although it doesn't hurt that he's awesome)? Are we

You know, I'm okay with this. Eric Clapton playing on it doesn't hurt. I've been through my love phase, been through my hate phase and now I'm merely indifferent.

Finally a spinoff/sequel I can feel good about bitching about before it comes out. I don't want a Han Solo movie because Harrison Ford IS Han Solo. Wait, they aren't casting a woman as Han are they? If so I take that all back.

Stop defending her, she's this generation's Hitler!

They are all that and sexy when it comes to motorcycles.


Well he's certainly no The Other Kind

I liked this story better when he was just sleeping with Marion Cotillard. That's sexy! Being verbally abusive and physical to your child, not sexy!

I know. Men are so stupid, right? Like the time during my wife's hysterectomy I thought they were removing her uvula and she wouldn't be able to yodel anymore.

"Clinton hits back: 'You know I could send you some pamphlets that might help you understand.'" That seems more like a limp swat than a hit.

No, you didn't give that impression at all.

Never more so than this year.

I will criticize if you don't mind. I totally agree with your internet points. I think it has contributed to the demise of the golden rule (the most important of all rules in my opinion). However, I'm guessing I'm of a slightly different generation then you and I take exception that we're taught failure is

That's what I was thinking too. It's not a matter of criticizing a crappy song in a constructive way or even in a non-constructive funny way. It's this huge, terrible, ugly leap to anonymous strangers telling you to die.

Why does this feel like King Ralph and Dave to me?

I almost upvoted you, you sly bastard.

Who's laughing now home wrecker? I guess that joke might be funnier if kids weren't involved.

I was trying to think of some smart aleck remark, did a search for stupid inventions and found this little gem - https://www.youtube.com/wat…
It's honestly too good to be snarky about. My favorite is the cigarette umbrella.

I was following @goddamnbatman, he used to have some pretty funny stuff. I quit using Twitter and haven't thought about that in years.