The Other Kind

The 70's, now that was a decade.


He makes it so easy to forget but the guy has charisma and charm out the ass.

You Canadian or something?

Sometimes the heart just wants what it wants.

I'll up vote you because I like the idea but I won't be doing that.

Let's not forget piss and vinegar.

Hers was usually some of the best stuff on Cracked if that helps.

I think that's what I liked best about it. She was a real person there as opposed to a T.V. mom, all knowing and flawless. Her emotions got the better of her just like real life sometimes. It's easy to think rationally in the abstract but it's something different when it's your baby.

On a trip though Canada in '05 the wife and I stopped at a little diner for breakfast in Saskatoon. Worst Huevo's Rancheros EVER!!! It's also the first time I tried Ketchup Chips. They were just okay.

Maybe you're just explaining it to the wrong Americans.

We have Tzatziki in the States now as well, I saw it in a 7-11 the other day.

I've pretty much given up on the idea of beating this game on Legendary Ironman.

"I’ve never been much of a beer drinker (wine, please)…" Strike one

But he is a Jewish family "fan".

"Ironically…Moore said he might get into filmmaking…" Not really ironic, his beef has always been that there's no point in retelling a story that's already been told. It's not inconsistent to want to make something new in a different medium. I would probably start liking movies more (again) if he does get into

“we probably would have had a problem on the sideline” doesn't actually have the ring of a physical threat to me so this weird reverse machismo criticism seems a little false.

"Neither the streaming network nor the filmmakers behind Amanda Knox seem willing to pick a side."

Loving sounds interesting. I grew up in the 60's and 70's in a small south eastern Ohio (Appalachian) town. My aunt was married to an African American and while it seemed the most natural thing in the world to me being a small child I never considered what they probably went through. There were possibly four

He's been in so many great movies but it's funny you mention Jackie Brown. That's the first movie I thought of when I read the original post. Oh and Johnny Dangerously.