The Other Kind

Zach Galifianakis in Masterminds looks so much like me in 1994 it's depressing.

This makes me sad. Now where will I go?

Why does AV Club have a food section now?

I agree. The two skeletons in the wheel chairs looking out over the lake you find during the Covenant mission really captures the horror of nuclear annihilation. When I was a kid and the Cold War was a thing that was always the most terrifying aspect to me, with no notice the world could change that quickly.

There you go, that's all I wanted to hear. I don't think it represents a majority view either. Thank you for the lengthy thoughtful response. Again, not sarcasm, but this has really been an enjoyable discussion for me.

So what you're saying is a business will not take the customers' reaction in to account? If the driving public doesn't buy manual transmissions auto makers quit building them. And you are holding everyone to your standard. Not everyone is a classically trained critic so saying I'm not seeing a movie because I don't

That's a funny glib line but is what I said not true? Great movies are constantly overlooked and crappy ones with good advertising do well until word of mouth gets around, sometimes not even then. Maybe I'm over focusing on the sight unseen part. I generally like your reviews, you seem fair and well versed so this

No worries, I hope you didn't take my defense of him as being particularly upset at you. His humor is definitely an acquired taste.

Maybe it's that the majority of the complaints are honest and the MRA aspect gets conflated. I've said it in another thread that by the time this movie came out one of the reasons I didn't want to see it was that I was sick of hearing about a few idiots being built up into "half the world is horrible". I've heard

But the latter is every bit as legitimate as the former. I can't remember the number of movies I've said that about before not going to see them. I saw the new Star Wars movie and it just reinforced that mindset for me. I'm not wasting hard earned money to go to something that looks like something I've already seen

I was thinking the same thing but the longer the apology went on the more racist and just plain stupid she started sounding. If she had just stopped with "I'm insecure" she would have been fine, instead she just keeps on bloviating.

Well I guess that's better. At least you acknowledge Jackie's skill. Seemed a little harsh to call him a barely adequate actor. He's got some comedy chops of the broad humor variety and it's not really his fault they picked him.

Sure, blame the professionals.

Kiss used this same tactic in the 70's to great effect as well.

You sure know how to suck the fun out of the room.

A western comic from the 80's, I can't remember if it was Marvel or DC and I don't know if he's still around. Drawn by Tony Dezuniga (which is a great name in it's own right) my favorite character name is Caleb Hammer. As a kid I always thought that was so bad ass.

Join the astronaut corps.

My question was going to be "Who is Jon Glaser?" but then I read the article and saw his picture and now I'm all like "Oh yeah". Sorry Jon.

You just don't go by the Amazon "recommends" selections? Their algorithms really seem to know me on a deep personal level.

I'm a flaming hetro-sexual but I think I could really go for this Hemsworth fellow.