The Other Kind

This is the guy I always confuse for Jake Johnson.

And it's not just the cheating or the humiliation of his wife. He posed with his toddler son in the shot. That goes beyond a bad judgment call. I hope next time Huma gets a good guy and little Jordan gets a much better dad.

"All Over Town" and "I Like To Rock". I see a night of drunk iTunes purchases in my near future.

I think it's spelled with an r and e not i,m.

If I wasn't crying before…

Triumph and April Wine did pretty well for themselves also. I don't want to turn this into a name the Canadian band thread, I just really liked Triumph and April Wine in junior high.

I think your explanation is well thought out and reasoned. I also think you're asking a lot of a life long, mid-level bureaucrat.

I'm not invested in this either way, I think you have a great point, usually things that are tax exempt just mean those things are better connected. Having said that though, my brother would take his boys to the Nutcracker every year and has taken them to a lot of ballets and operas (they aren't rich by any stretch).

Interesting that you consider Gallagher comedy.

Michelle Yeoh and Jason Statham! I've go to see this.

I have only one digital copy of video. The pilot for Andy Barker PI on iTunes because it was a free download. I have watched the pilot for Andy Barker PI exactly once. It was funny by the way.

He doesn't. He's dead, remember? Jesus man pay attention.

Congratulations AV Club, you are behind the Bing homepage task bar on trending topics.

That seems to be the consensus. I just started coming here just last year because it was a happy little place for people to discuss pop culture. Commenters were friendly, the articles were funny without too much politics and there were some great interviews. Now it's just one snarky bitchy half-paragraph article

I just saw a mod called Enderal for Skyrim. It came in under my radar (I haven't played in about a year) so I'm not familiar with it but the little I've seen looks interesting. From what I hear it's a whole new game that uses Skyrim so it overwrites the game itself. I'm not sure how it all works but it might be

Jesus. Move on already. I should add this is sarcasm. Ruins the joke but otherwise I feel like a jerk for saying it.

I always think he was in Gladiator for the same reason. He wasn't though, right?

One of my favorite sites just switched over to Facebook interaction and did away with Discus as well. I would think it makes for a more respectful conversation overall. It's much harder to be a douche bag when you know your family and friends can see what you're saying, although I've seen a lot of people give it a


I thought he was the leader of a biker gang in mythical Charming California.