
Jen Kirkman's the shit. Do you any of you guys have recs for comedians similar to her?

Wow, great piece. I've been listening to some college rock recently (the big stuff: R.E.M., The Replacements, and Dinosaur Jr.) so I'll be listening to this later today. I wonder a lot about how many bands had everything to be one of the all-time greats except the luck (Saturday Looks Good To Me comes to mind for me).

It's impossible to compare since I have never experienced a school shooting, but I really think you have to be a Bostonian to "get it." The marathon is a big deal in Boston, everybody gets school off and many go into the city to watch it, it's a big day of community and pride and they turned it into a day of fear and

They've still got a similar don't-take-much-seriously lyrical style, definitely less "edgy," but as far as their sound they're really different. The next album you should listen to is Can't Maintain, it was their follow-up to People Who Can Eat People and it's great

I don't think Sean is saying that any non-Muslims can't poke fun at the religion, but just him personally because he isn't educated about it

Anal Jizz Juice, what a band

I'm writing my first college paper about that song.

One of the best bands to ever exist.

Confession: I have yet to read Watership Down, but that is on my list. Thanks again.

I will read these and ApathyMonger and Scrawler's suggestions. Thank you!

Hey Ice Cream Planet, I just graduated high school and I want to get back into reading. I read a lot in middle school, lots of sci fi and fantasy, but, like many before me, the habit fell off as the crushing soul of high school English classes came upon me.

"Those people who still work with Cruise."

I actually really like Shake It Off but as a massive Outkast fan that physically hurt to read. Opinions, amirite?

I'm graduating high school this week, which is good enough of a reason to emerge from my lurking. This is weird for a lot of reasons, but one is that I've always been the young kid in the Internet communities I've been in, and now I'm just another college schmuck.

Hi, I mostly lurk around here and I just wanted to thank you for introducing to Andrew Jackson Jihad. I'm 18 and very much terrified of the world at large, and AJJ is one of the few things that encourages and inspires me without sounding like a bunch of bullshit. Thank you.

Beware, whiny fan ahead

Are you ready? Because I want you to pay attention, this is the beginning of something.

Watching E! because my mom loves it, and it's torture. Why do people give a shit what all these celebrities are wearing?

Call me a sucker, but a great mom track gets me, and "Hey Mama" certainly fits the bill.