
I'd strongly recommend the documentary Everything Is A Remix.

The entire Internet.

"I confess to not having read Green's books."

That show messed with my mind as a kid. I had nightmares about the dude who held his eyeballs in his hands.

Gonna throw in SpongeBob. Watch 99-04 episodes. Fucking hilarious.

God damn the S category is stacked. I know everyone wants their pet show, but I think SpongeBob deserves to be runner-up, or maybe you could've thrown in a second runner-up. Bah, whatever.

I know, it's gotta be so hard to pull off that convincing of a performance when you don't even have a body. I mean, at least animation voices can look at the drawing of their character, but to just be a voice with no body takes some serious talent, and she did it amazingly.

(for those that don't know, I'm talking about one Spongebob episode a week. Next week is The Paper, a criminally underrated and undershown episode that's my second favorite all-time).

I am 1000% a Kanye apologist. I mean, the dude obviously has the ego of 12 Alex Rogriguezes masturbating to pictures of themselves, but 1. He hasn't murdered, raped, or assaulted anybody (besides altercations with paparazzi, but they're not human) 2. I've heard he's a geniunely nice dude to fans that meet him 3. Evil

It basically means to procrastinate and it immediately became my favorite word the first time I read it.

Something from Barstool on AV Club? What planet am I on?

I quite like the Killers, and I think going Hot Fuss, Sam's Town (their first two albums are their best) and then the greatest hits album is a great way to listen that won't take too long. Arcade Fire and Modest Mouse are both a must-yes.

(For those that don’t know, I’m watching one standout Spongebob episode a week and talking about it here. Next week is Culture Shock, an underrated but personal favorite episode).

Stephen Hillenburg, the original creator of the series who left after 2004 and is one of my biggest idols, came back for the movie. But, the live animation is just disgusting, especially them becoming weirdly buff, and the trailers are pretty meh, so I'm still undecided.

No spongebob this week. All patriots.

This week I watched the episode Jellyfishing from Spongebob. Squidward is my favorite character on the show, and is probably my favorite television character of all time. Part of what makes him so great is that I probably should hate him because he’s such a dick, but you can’t help but feel bad for the guy. When he’s

Fun fact: a former writer for SpongeBob works on Adventure Time.

Heyo, I’m a newbie AV Clubber (do you guys say clubber? I
just want to be cool!) and I’m watching four/five Spongebob episodes a week,
and I’m talking about one that stands out to me.

Impossible to watch. I like a few right after the movie ended (Krusty Towers, the one where they turn the Krusty Krab into a hotel is pretty great) but I pretty exclusively watch pre-movie episodes.

I'm now halfway through Season 2 of Mad Men and Season 3 of It's Always Sunny, and I saw Resorvoir Dogs. They're all awesome, but that's not what I want to talk about.
So yesterday I woke up with a small tarantula crawling around inside my head, absolutely miserable (hungover). You know what I did? I watched some Sponge