
Billy Mumphrey was a simple country boy, some might say a cockeyed optimist, who got caught up in the dirty game of world diplomacy and international intrigue.

Billy Mumphrey was a simple country boy, some might say a cockeyed optimist, who got caught up in the dirty game of world diplomacy and international intrigue.

Why be mean when you can be nice

…I have bad news

I disagree, I've heard he usually doesn't smile cause he's nervous with paparazzi around him 24/7. He's got a massive ego, but he definitely has self-awareness ("find bravery in my bravado" or just listen to "I Love Kanye"). He's way better at expressing himself in his music than interviews with a million cameras

If only

"Here's some facts." "You're wrong, I have a gut feeling!"

Yes because so many people that aren't internet nerds know who Dan Harmon is or whatever

Sonic Youth never did it for me but Teen Age Riot's a jam

The weird thing is "start with why" is trendy because it works, more often than you'd think. Starbucks has that dumb culture but people really do buy into it, and it's part of the reason they blew up. Apple, Nike, Southwest, most Silicon Valley companies, etc. all pulled it off

I have a giant butt and sex tape why aren't my second cousins famous

No Stooges until 2010, still no MC5, Big Star, Television, T. Rex, JOY DIVISION, or a single of the great 80s indie rock acts (Black Flag, Minutemen, SONIC YOUTH, Replacements)… Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a joke

I'm doing albums because my movie list would be even more bland and I like participating in things.

Two months late but go full Walter White and get some big fucking magnets to take these things out, surprised that wasn't at least suggested after the MRI scene

Yup that's Immortal Technique


Does the AV Club exist in a universe where Shrek doesn't?

Always looking for something that's outside my normal wheelhouse, gonna listen to this later today. Thanks!

At least I'm mixing it up from the typical "I'm the only person that doesn't like Forrest Gump" comments

God Only Knows by the Beach Boys, aka the story of creepy over-attachment