Dan Cassidy

Well done. You didn't even have room for Tommy Boyce, Bobby Hart, or Freank Zappa.

Doc Savage: Man Of Bronze was a better Indiana Jones movie than the last Indiana Jones movie.

1942? Bruce Great Whighty, a Jaws reboot? Eaty: the obese extraterrestrial? Saving Private Ryan 2 : Lost In New York?

Batteries Not Included II - Batteries Still Not Included.

I thought that the photo was from My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

I want to see the 12 Monkees

Ross and Marcel must be so relieved.

It is greatly improved once they adopt the monkey.


Things pick up once they adopt the monkey.

Q: How long does it take to get from Meereen to Dorne and back again? A: It Varys.

Tyrion isn't sadistic, he married Sansa not Joffrey.

If he knew that Dany was ok and returning, why didn't he share that info with Tyrion? That is a dick move from someone without a dick. Withholding worthy of Sansa.

Isn't it diet coke that reacts to mentos? they need to have a do over.

Just making conversation. It's a discussion board after all.

Yes, he could have got a raven. So what was his mission before getting the raven?

Major Plot Hole! - Varys goes to Dorne to get them to fight on Dany's side. He left on his secret mission before she returned with her dragons to defeat the slavers, before the slavers actually attacked Meereen.

Major Plot Hole! - Varys goes to Dorne to get them to fight on Dany's side. He left on his secret mission before she returned with her dragons to defeat the slavers, before the slavers actually attacked Meereen. He had no way of knowing that she was even alive when he left.

But she has a stoneheart now. if she is in the show.

Season one, Catelyn was always cold to Jon, she hated him. If he has more right to rule than her children Lady Stoneheart would get rid of him.