Dan Cassidy

How long does it take to get around in Westeros? It Varys!

The Three Eyed Raven sees past, present, and future (one for each eye). changing the past is not possible so the effect Bran has had on the past are fated to happen. If Bran had not unintentionally created Hodor he would not have had Hodor to help him escape Winterfell as a boy. If Bran is the Night King and the night

Wait a minute, if my mother gave birth to me why is she still around?

It is interesting the amount of the jaunt beyond the wall have either died and came back, terminally ill and got better or left for dead and survived.

they will probably correct it when they correct the spelling and grammatical errors in the piece.

The doctor will regenerate as Bill!

I am sure that was a CGIger not a tiger.

A "life on mars", "ashes to ashes" season of Archer?

I would sponsor a TURDtle hat. Perfect for shitheads.

I stopped my morning Boehner because of him.

Obviously he is playing Skimbleshanks

I avoid OJ because Trump has spoiled everything orange for me.

Deck the halls with (Barbs dead) holly, Fa La La La La La La (Barbs Dead).

To everyone but Esther Zuckerman!

A pollywog is an adolescent frog. The stage between tadpole and frog. Maybe the thing that went down the sink is growing.

The only highpoint was the Amazon "pilot" spinoff.

If the girls wore the moon boots they could jump even higher to express their tiedye joy.

I am waiting for "eenie meenie miney mofo!" the playground blaxpoitation movie.

He should have changed it to Scratch Records.