Dan Cassidy

Manic Pixie Milf!

There is a really good doggy,direwolf daycare in Winterfell. Ironically it was started by Ramsey Bolton.

I understand what you say but the show is presented as somewhat linear. ySay that Varys could be in Dorne months after the bombing then off to Meereen months after that so Cersi would be on the throne at least six months before Dany reaches Kings landing.

Season 7 predictions. Sansa marries Littlefinger and head to Kings Landing to overthrow Cersei, leaving Jon to defend the north against the wights. Dany lands in Dorn grabs the sand snakes and attacks Kings Landing. Tyrion kills Cersei and sits Littlefinger on the iron throne before killing him. He then reunites with

Plus word of the massacre got to Lady Olenna who then goes to Dorne to meet with the sand snakes all before Jamie gets back to Kings Landing to see the sept still smoking. I know that she could have got a raven but Jamie would also have got a raven.

Tommen went out of the window after Ser Pounce.

Varys is racking up the frequent flyer miles. How the f'k does he get to Dorne and back to Meereen in time to get on the boat back to Westeros? When it took Tyrion months to make the trip one way.

Kissing cousins? no, siblings, which is a tradition in both families. If the theory of his lineage is correct.

Good to see that Aria had time to study Shakespeare while she was away.

the only way there is a twist is if Negan choses himself. I think that someone needs to look up the meaning of twist,

They can afford to hire the actor that is playing the character that dies and have them seen on set. It doesn't take a genius to control the situation.

Thank you

Could you tell me which mash up you are referring to? The link just goes to youtube, but not the song.

He is joining the via Skype and appearing as a guest at a few gigs. They are not stating which gigs.

If you play Listen To The Band which fades out and Nesmith's Listen To The Band which fades in, back to back they become a single track.

Great introductory list but it could go much deeper. no, Shades of Gray? What Am I Doin' Hanging Round?

Having Allison play Judas while we are led to believe she has betrayed Sarah was hilarious fun.

If Polite Fight want to discuss a show that uses cinematography in a strong way then they should be talking about Lady Dynamite.

You DELETED them? How am I going to finish watching the show now? Does anyone have a copy on Betamax that I can borrow?