Dan Cassidy

I think this episode should have been shown before the thanksgiving episode. At thanksgiving the Belcher's knew about Gayle and Frond, in this episode they were surprised by it.

Well, I thought it had a light atmosphere.

Really good. You should also check out David Bowow by the Hee Bee Gee Bees. a great pastiche made in the Ashes to Ashes era that references his whole career to that point. Intelligent and funny.

try dairygrilledbread instead.

Are you sure Michael Shannon is playing Elvis Presley? Does this take place during his crack addiction years?

Bubba Ho Tep?

so my apple-core tumbler is uncool?

And appeared nearly a decade earlier. Just noting the possible influence.

When dos the Ambush Bug movie come out?

She has my dream job. After years of doing radio shows of cover versions and obscure gems my music collection is vast and strange. Now it is going to get bigger once the soundtrack comes out.

The chalk board goes back to the "Listen" episode with the Doctors subconscious communicating with him.

I loved it! a few questions though, who wrote I am in 12? if it was the doctor why did he make it so hard to find? if the rooms reset themselves surely the clothes would have disappeared, so would the skull and BIRD. Maybe I am just being too picky. Most enjoyable. I guess the doctor is now a couple of billion and two…

It wasn't the end of Thanksgiving dinner it was a family leftover dinner on Saturday. Not sure the reviewer caught that the half dozen times they said it was Saturday.

This episode had the second star wars tauntaun joke used in the series. Ollie makes a similar offer to Andy in the Art Crawl episode. Not a complaint, just an observation.

Glenn is dead! Maggie will see and dispose of zombie Glenn as she is giving birth. She gets closure and a new beginning.

What if it isn't a Death Star, maybe it is a Life Star, played by Andy Serkis, truly the Olivier of motion capture acting.

Andy Serkis is playing the jagged red lightsaber. He is truly the Olivier of motion capture acting.

It's like that time when I rejected Madonna's advances…

How about Peter Dinklage? He is suave and sophisticated.

I have a feeling that it will be Andrew Lincoln.