Dan Cassidy

I was remarking about the one in the goat pen. His face was worn out but his boots were immaculate.

So we are at least two years into the zombie apocalypse and the dead have been walking the land, yet the soles of their boots show very little wear.

I enjoyed the episode immensely but there was one wardrobe detail that I found really irritating. The police officer from Truth Or Consequences had a Mexican flag on her uniform. New Mexico is part of the USA and they state that in the episode, maybe someone in wardrobe didn't get the memo. The Zia on her arm patch

I admit, I haven't read all the comments but am I the only one who appreciated the Doctor wearing Patrick Troughton's pants.

It will be John as a boy, racing speeders and building droids.

I will only watch it if it stars Bruce's face digitally stitched on a young actors head.

We could have The Bible and Zombies: The Lazarus Chronicles.

As soon as I saw the helicopter I knew they were going to throw in a tribute to Dawn Of The Dead. Did nobody else catch the reference?

This series moved at the pace of a zombie. Plot points that were important, like the signal lights from outside of the safe zone, are just forgotten. The main characters leave a trail of death and destruction behind them and endanger the other survivors. Not telling their neighbors that the soldiers have left, leaving

No Corn Sisters? Pine Valley Cosmonauts? John Rauhaouse? We need a collaboration compilation.

A touch of grey and Matthew Broderick could play Jeb Bush. Get on it SNL.

Many cuts throughout the DCFC vid.

Feist 1234?

Any extras? Like a long version of Marais La Nuit.

They spied them subtly?

The most irritating thing ab out Hulu ads is the fact that they so metimes come in the mi ddle of a scene of a BBC show that was not str ucvtured for commercials. Like an 8 track but for TV.

Because it now takes zero seconds to watch it, you can be both watching it and not watching at all times. Eternal joy!

That's nothing. I took all the good parts of Blues Brothers 2000 and reduced it to zero minutes. It is much better.

Nick and Cher's lovechild?

Evidently he and Jim Belushi will meet new, up and coming blues singers. Then probably eat them.