
Nada Surf's The Weight is a Gift came out when I was in high school and my local good radio station (http://kexp.org/) played them non stop. To the point where it's like that band exists in amber for me. Not sure if I can listen to the new album without dismissing it like first generation fans of Weezer's Blue Album

Homme has always been a literal rockstar when it comes to collaborations. The Desert Sessions were always at least interesting, and often brilliant. And Iggy Pop is Iggy Pop. Can we just as a society start freezing our beloved artists? 2016 is being a total bitch.

Yeah, not good. Have you asked your friend what his or her problem is? If they can't get over it it would probably be best to pick a side sooner rather than later. Dragging it out is just going to engender vitriol all around.

I sooo wish that was a thing. Like, someone just shows up at your house Publishers Clearing House style, making the neighbors jealous. Also, there's balloons.

Best rom-com ever?

Quite possibly but as Dan points out that is about the least appealing phrase one could use. I generally assume people choose their words wisely, especially in writing to an advice column, but perhaps I'm wrong.

I used to struggle with this concept as well. Ultimately, and I admit this is self serving, I still knowingly enjoy art made by assholes. They are going to be assholes regardless of if I buy a ticket to their concert. At least they are making worthwhile art and enriching humanity, unlike 99% of garden variety assholes.

I got the feeling that's where the "bowels of the internet" term came from . This dude is not banging women he'd be willing to date.

My boyfriend and I were unfortunately in different time zones for Valentine's day so I wore some lingerie that I wouldn't mind terribly if the nsa saw me in and and we hung out on Skype. Which was fun until I had a service interruption due to local outages. Thanks Comcast! No, you really don't suck enough already

Hey! Some people are perfectly capable of ruining a relationship all by themselves thank you very much!

That a twat like Morissey can write such sincere - if somewhat heavy handed - lyrics about love is mind boggling to me. Don't get me wrong, I love The Smiths, but it's amazing.

Going to a religious school, but knowing I didn't believe in god, for most of my formative years. This instilled deep cynicism and resourcefulness. Which for the most part has served me quite well. When I'm not being the physical incarnation of a nihilistic tempest at least.

In everyday life I'm very level headed but when I get creeped out I respond… not well. Trust me, as odious as it seems, extricating yourself from a bad situation is the wiser course of action.

There may still be time! Round up a posse, I'll bring the blackjacks.

Frankly, it's the rote lack of creativity that offends me. Come on, if you're going to pretend like I exist for your amusement at least personalize to my actual talents. I can cook, you know! Request a croquembouche or something.

Yeah, I'll agree. The author name drops some recent shows so I guess they can roll it up into a pop culture pastiche but really doesn't tell me anything I don't already know nor would it sway me if I were a mouth breathing, sexist asshole. But hey, it'll probably be the most popular article today so there you go.

Not S.P.H.I.NX.?

"I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!"

Good call. I mean, I could give them to my bf but eh, think I'll toss em at a bum or something. Underhand, I'm not a monster.

Okay, completely unrelated but I don't know where else to complain about it, I ordered some fancy skincare items that come with free brand samples and they sent me mens hair care products. I was socks for Christmas disappointed about this.