
Well, I'm not going to compare and contrast the flavor and texture profiles or anything, but I must say of regional sandwiches with goofy names this one still doesn't unseat Ham Barbecue in terms of sheer fun to utter.

Black Mirror on Neon Bible springs to mind as well. I mean, it makes a bizarro kind of sense for them to gravitate towards disco. They are a very theatrical band.

Even though I don't love all their albums (looking at you The Suburbs) I'm incredibly excited at the prospect of a combination of the weary catharsis of Neon Bible mixed with the dance/disco direction they went in with Reflektor.

… I'm not stalking anyone. I got an upvote and came to check it out cuz I'm bored and in an airport.

What's all this then?

I'll probably end up regretting it, but yes I will buy this when it comes out. I will defend most of Oberst's musical output, but some of his more recent stuff is just dire. I wish he'd team back up with Mogis at least.

King's own bungling of the final book moved the entire series into the "amusing novelty" section in my mind. So I'm going to go see the movie, hopefully enjoy it as a spectacle either good or awful, and that will be that. I'm looking forward to it.

Sure, I'll try to help. One of two things has happened here. Either you are not sorting by oldest and this comment isn't directly under the what I was responding to or you don't understand something in my statement. Go ahead and sort by oldest if you aren't already.

Renly treated her humanely. Brienne is fond of people who treat her well. This makes her smarter than 90% of the population.

Qyburn's Trusty Cure All*

We were getting way too much Hodor doing some cute Hodor-ing so I knew it wasn't going to be a good episode for him. Yeah, that's why I cried for the direwolf, but not the gentle giant. Ah, who am I kidding, my people suit is terrible.

Personally I never wanted that to be the work around. It also seemed unlikely because I remember listening to a couple seasons worth of the creator commentaries and the direwolves being pretty challenging to show. The only thing that idea had going for it is we wouldn't have to see anymore of Kitt Harrington's acting.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're not going to get a complex breakdown of spell mechanics here. It's Mel, she threw some shit into a brazier, poof.

He probably recycled that one from using it on Cersei.

Tangentially related; I only recently listened to Blunderbuss and it's fantastic. The White Stripes were my first favorite band, as well as my first concert but I've been increasingly disinterested in Jack White's various projects. Really hoping for more of this return to form, and kind of kicking myself for not

He was more a behind the scenes, 32 steps ahead figure in the books. And more tragic than pathetic. All well. I don't dislike the Sand Snakes, the Dorne storyline in the show just got botched. Whip Snake is pretty alright though.

Good point. They would make for natural allies but the way show Ellaria is written makes me skeptical she'd cede power to anyone. Not sure if that's intentional in the writing or not though.

How do you feel about fiddling while Rome burns? I'm not saying it won't make for good Sand Snakes featuring Oberyn's baby mama on Lannister action down the line but damn does it come across as a stupid development.

Goddammit. This is my Cillian Murphy crush all over again. Oh sure, he starts off in good movies but then I'm stuck watching In Time and wondering what happened to my life.