
Ultimately yes, but you do have a genuine fight on your hands for a little while there.

Your points here also remind me how much I miss the pre-set character skills of yesteryear. Sure, it's convenient being able to pick and choose all my skills but I feel like you lose so much sense of the characters that way. For instance, the last spell that Rosa will ever learn, IIRC, is Holy. Her only attack spell.

Edge having to put down his Frankensteined parents messed me right up. I was like 6 the first time I played this game and I remember going into my parents bedroom and crying my little heart out afterwards.

FFIV is easily my favorite Final Fantasy game. Possibly my favorite game period. Sure VI is arguably the series high point but IV is the game that made me fall in love with fantasy as a genre when I was a wee child and undoubtedly the reason I'm gushing about video games on the internet at this very moment.

The Bush family has a high tolerance for humiliation it seems.

So is this one of those ultra hard games where the reward is simply doing ever so slightly better or is the gameplay itself actually fun?

That was fucking awesome. It plucked a nostalgia string in the back of my head I didn't even know I had.

Pan's Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies, not least of all for it's perfectly enchanting score. Seeing that performed live would be amazing. As long as no wise guy cosplays as the monster with eyeballs in his hands.

So Silent Bob is a voice actor now? Thanks Obama!

Both great choices, though wildly divergent!

Ooh, Nick Cave ballads. *swoons*

Marriage, yeah. Also, my bf reads and comments here, he's going to love this thread. It's kind of my fault as I don't have many friends and about 70% of the ones I do have hold views on love that are not unlike a Disney princess'.

Well, my family actually never bothers me about it. It's just my friends and business associates, and they do it in the nicest ways possible which does manage to make me feel terrible. Damn humans and their good intentions! I was single for a number of years and listening to it then was *way* less stressful than it is

What magical land do you live in that you aren't getting constantly pressured to settle down?

Cool, that song is ruined for me forever now.

If there are children here I'm leaving *immediately*.

What?! I don't remember that one. Please tell it again!

I'm never going to be able to cheer for the Seattle Sounders now. I mean, I didn't before, but I liked having the option.

I guess that makes it a legitimate Savage Love comments?

Well, we have been whining about the tameness of the letters. Uh, I didn't finish reading the first one. Please, no one tell me how it ends.