

Oh christ, he's going to rename the country isn't he? And probably coat the statue of liberty in gold and give her an AK-47 to keep out foreigners. Well, it might be fun living a real life version of Idiocracy.

"Form of luminol and a blacklight!"

Why is this not a weekly feature ?!

The AV Club

I'm playing the Director's Cut and the difficulty seems pretty even. I'm not a huge fan of the "wander into an area to find out how many enemies there are" style but maybe I got spoiled by Japanese SRPG's.

Still working through Shadowrun: Dragonfall . Okay, first of all you get a dog. It's really low key, he just follows you around the city if you like. It's nice, he's cute. Tonight I think they almost made me kill him! Fortunately I've been leveling up my willpower stats- in case I need to yell at punks- and that

I played about 3 hours of Lightning Returns sometime last year so I'm no expert but the battle system was basically FFX-2's dress spheres, but no fun. As a completionist nerd it's kinda killing me that I have no plans to pick the game back up.

Tom Waits- Looks Like I'm Up Shit Creek Again

I sent a link to it to my teenage niece the night he died along with an expression of empathy, a warning about the amazing and depressing nature of the video, and a gift certificate to an ice cream shop.

As I reminded my dogs while explaining why I was out for about 16 hours between Monday night and Tuesday morning, Bowie only dies once. One assumes. Listen to Blackstar while the grief is fresh, you'll only get this one chance. And it is quite good.

Ah, right sorry. Had a discussion about Trump and the RNC downthread.

Because his hate mongering is ruining the party's viability, and because he's self funded. Scares the donor class(i.e. : the only people that matter to the RNC).

Seconded. Unless I have literally nothing else going on I always miss this feature. Which is a shame because I've previously picked up a lot of recommendations I wouldn't get anywhere else.

I don't think Republican presidential nominee Trump is a dream anything. I'm a cynical monster and even I could never have guessed at his horrifying popularity.

Good point. I haven't been paying too close of attention to this point of the election, has Bernie ruled out a third party run? Things could get really interesting if there is a third party candidate stealing votes from both main contenders.

Ah, the Romney defense. That didn't go so well in the face of a much more charismatic opposition candidate. Say what you will about Trump but idiots fucking love him. Hilary does not inspire that feeling at all and I'll admit I'm starting to get nervous.

The way the DNC is so obviously in the bag for Hilary is actually souring me on her. Look, she's going to be the candidate, and I will vote for her but the whole thing is just really odious at this point.

Pedantry is my native tongue so I am now much more intrigued. I'll add it to my library next time I'm over at Steam.

I read the Gameological review for that and decided I had to stay far away. I've told this story elsewhere but I can still vividly recall the first time I played a Mario game. Somehow it was my very first exposure to the entire concept and I promptly ran up to the first Goomba and tried to talk to it. Obviously, I