
I too am a FFXIII apologist. Eventually I realized it just boiled down to Lightning fan girling for me. I'm okay with that. I'm also okay with SquareEnix just adding her to all their franchises. Lara Croft and Lightning? Sold!

Playing my first game on Steam, Shadowrun: Dragonfall . SRPG's aren't my favorite genre but I do enjoy them, the built in tedium keeps me from getting too hooked and turning into a game zombie. Anyways, quite engrossing so far plot wise and I can tell I'm going to get way too attached to most of my team. Chose street

Yes, I also find it weirdly comforting. Your take is interesting, if I may ask; if you think yours is in response to self loathing do you have a lot of fraught romantic relationships? I have always assumed that I find similar looking people attractive because I have a very hard time even wanting to connect with other

The McConnell crack was good, but I really enjoyed Biden hucking spit balls at Paul Ryan.

Throwing on a pair of red stilettos and dancing until dawn seemed like the most fitting way to send off David motherfuckin' Bowie. Yes, it was awesome.

I spent all of last night at an impromptu karaoke/big queer celebration of Bowie. My ears are still ringing and I may be hungover but this is good advice.

Oh, and if he's not particularly talkative, even better. Something, something, gets off on being withholding.

I have the opposite problem. I'll sort of glance a little too long at a woman, or femme man, who looks a little too much like me. But I generally don't overly enjoy looking at myself, so I don't really know what that's about. Probably some weird anti social thing.

I have *way* more turn offs than turn ons but I need to enjoy the sound of someone's voice. I have very begrudgingly(towards myself, not towards the guy) turned down men whom I otherwise found wildly attractive because I didn't like hearing them speak.

I want to curl up in a ball and listen to Wild is the Wind for the next week but instead I'm going to figure out what my coolest, most flattering outfit is and go do something fucking fun tomorrow. Long live the spirit of The Thin White Duke!

Good guess, but no. I don't like it that rough.

As anyone who has gotten into a disagreement with him here can attest he can be verbose when he feels like it. Plus, I actually was over sharing on savage love about my taste in men for months before we started talking to each other so it's very likely he had a vague idea that we'd be a good match.

For the record I believe our avclub relationship flow chart was common interests/sharing of a fucked up sense of humor-Dr Faustus quotes-offers of oral sex.

The AV Club

We've been talking about running an advice/hookup thread for awhile now. Anyone have any questions on how to weirdly hit on co-commenters? Also, for the slower readers, TheMuteLurker and I are screwing eachother. We're not taking questions on that.

I've wondered about the sociological underpinnings of it too , and perhaps it is a thing nearly everywhere . I'm not well traveled enough to know first hand . Of myself and the people I know here who exhibit freeze traits it's likely due to a combination of being naturally introverted and still wanting to people

Seattle cost of living is pretty crazy . And if you're a transplant the Seattle Freeze can be pretty bad , to be honest .

That's really rough . Sometimes all you can do is be there for someone who got dealt a shitty hand in life . And sometimes two people(platonically) just get eachother . Defend him when necessary , be there for him when he needs you , and otherwise just enjoy having a best friend .

Ooh , I'm familiar with both cities . Portland is more laid back but Seattle is cooler . You really can't go wrong with either .

Not with that attitude.