
Have you considered offering that as a card inscription to Hallmark ?

I just laughed way too hard at this . And now I know something new about myself . Eh , I've done worse things to people's faces so if it makes you feel better go for it . Call it a Christmas present to yourself .

Okay , I've always been curious where this meme came from and I'm far too afraid to ask the internets anything regarding lube . Someone wanna help me out ?

Ooh , yes ! It rarely snows where I live but when it does years of playing JRPG's has conditioned me to want to grab a sword and scarf go dragon hunting .

Agreed . And I can't wait to watch that episode completely alone so no one witnesses me crying like a baby .

I was okay with it . The time spent there is incredibly emotional harrowing and a perfect climax . But damned if Christmasland isn't an indelible creation .

Ah , thank you for reminding me I need to listen to the new Modest Mouse . Everything up to Good News for People Who Love Bad News is gold to me . Everything after I'm completely ambivalent about .

It's a tough call between Stronger Than You and Do it for Him . The former is the better song from a performance standpoint but I just love Do it for Him for what it establishes for Pearl's character .

It did take me a minute to recognize him but I still find the avatar delightful .

Picky potential prostitutes , we should form a labor union .

I'd vote for legalizing prostitution in a heartbeat .
1) Grow up voters , it's going to happen regardless
2) It would become so much safer for all involved if it was legal
3) Taxes . Apply a sin tax and watch the money roll in for , you know , desperately needed funding for schools
4) I hate making this argument but it

Wait , a super Republican ? Shit , do they have laser eyes now ?! Please tell me they don't have laser eyes now !

Time for some over sharing . My previous job was highly social (read: I know a lot of rich , sleazy people) so there would have been very little legal risk and the blow back(phrasing!) would have been way worse for any potential clients . But yeah , I'm sort of morbidly afraid of going to prison .

Sadly , I only considered it because the hours and pay . I'm fairly good at separating sex and feelings so a no pay situation would feel more exploitative to me but I do like your feminist philosophy on this . Guess I'm too much of a Capitalist pig at heart .

That's horrifying . 14 year old you ended up much wiser from that at least .

That seems pretty normal for your situation . Queer folks I've known have pretty neatly divided into two camps depending on how uptight their circle of family and friends are . Religious people seem to need more hand holding on this so it was conscientious of you .

I've been lucky enough to never have had a serious pregnancy scare . I constantly compliment the moon on it's splendor , try doing that .

Okay , this makes me want to do an informal poll of commenters . I thought I was weird for occasionally considering prostitution . I have no moral objection to the work if everyone is consenting , and oddly enough I don't think I'd feel bad afterwards but I'd still make a terrible prostitute .
"How much?"
"For you ?

I have owned guns and know how to handle them safely but I'm no enthusiast . That being said if you started an organization to counter the NRA with this mind set I'd join in a heartbeat .