
Hmm , that is an interesting point . I would venture that if that switch doesn't get flipped(so to speak) it will just lie dormant . Maybe I'm taking too romanticised a view on kinks , but it seems like people who have a kink are just so hardwired for that one thing . Aww , like having a one true love . But sometimes

It wasn't actually *candle* oil that lasted for 8 nights for Hanukkah .

The Gentleman is actually acting on an old idea wherein slaying a king grants you his power . There are many real life examples of such ancient ceremonies in The Golden Bough by Frazer .
Not only is there the prospect of inheriting power in the political sense , but you can also construe an

Next up : Margot Tenenbaum

In a truly gut wrenching twist it will just be an hour of Donald Trump talking and then a banner saying Hannibal has been cancelled . It still won't be as hard to watch as the climax of Mizumono .

I've been considering starting this show but I'm apprehensive that it will be like Breaking Bad , in that it will make me feel terrible afterwards but I love it too much to stop . Much like meth … so I hear , at least .

Only if it's being detained in Guantanamo .

You can re-ingratiate yourself with them by bringing potato salad to the next pot luck . Worked for me after I made denigrating remarks about boat shoes .

Nah , Trump just uses a knife for daintily cutting pizza .

Smoking jazz cigarettes will do that to you .

There's only one explanation , there will be a Best Episodes of Steven Universe inventory tomorrow . And I will be there railing if Sworn to the Sword isn't top of the list .

It seems probable that all altruism is rooted in selfishness . But hey , cause and effect , etc . A good deed is still a good deed and the people on the receiving end are still grateful if you do it right .

Wait , you're also the Space Pope ?!

Shh , don't tell him that ! Everyone has to grow out of that phase on their own , like growing out of enjoying cartoons .*Looks at own avatar* Okay , bad example, but you know what I mean .

Okay, but it's going to attract Republican candidates .

Flounces was the term Oliver used to describe the male ostrich walking off . Perfectly evocative in this case and a criminally underused word in general .

That's a rude thing to call Mitt Romney .

Democrats being bad at sealing the deal ? Since when ?

Look , just because it takes bread from you doesn't mean it wants to get married . I swear , I've had this conversation at Panera so many times .

Hey now , I think Jindal really has a *doubles over laughing* Sorry , sorry thought I could get through that one .