
Asking for poison as your last meal would be no more unpleasant than the current available means of execution in the US . Might as well go out with some style and request hemlock . Thanks folks , I'll be here all night for all your depressing topics of conversation needs !

Especially odd since his main goal as a hypothetical villain would be to take down huge corporations . Perhaps he meant one bucket of chicken at a time . That seems terribly inefficient .

Have you considered going into politics ?

Yeah , but it's just going to be a Wayans in yellow face .

He's using the polite term for hiring a sex worker .

Wait , is there an official chart of acceptable racism in conjunction with how many members of your biological family are of that race ?! … I'm asking for a friend . A friend who cracks a lot of Asian jokes .

The best kind of correct .

Depends , are you young enough to hold out for Japan to get a decent sex bot on the market ?

Don't worry about it too much . These things happen naturally . That's just basic entropy for you .

There's a not so fine line as far as that goes . Making a fetish of someone's ethnicity is creepy . Having a preference for a certain look is not . That being said , I have made comments here on how , uh , enthusiastic , I am about very specific types of guys . So maybe don't take my word for it .

But that's the best part ! Do we need to start a YA fiction rumble here ?!

Not quite the same but I do absent mindedly whistle the famous opera house tune from FFVI with some frequency . On more than one occasion in public it has gotten appreciative looks or been a conversation starter .

I can guess what problems you may have with the other two but I'd like to hear your gripe with His Dark Materials . Was it the very rote romantic ending ? Because that is a book series for kids with deicide and gay angels , it's not perfect but it's pretty close .

So far I've been ambivalent at best about the picks but I do agree this is a good feature . I eagerly await a Leonard Cohen write up . Or Prince .

A completely over the top live action version of Hellsing would be great actually . Let Tarantino loose on it and I'd be happy to sit in a theater with fellow anime nerds to see the results .

So , cut out Ryuk , make Light 90% more brooding , L becomes a vampire for some reason , and Misa … stays exactly the same .

I read the book after reading copious amounts of praise for it here . Someone suggested Bowie for the man with thistle down hair and that's who I pictured as I read the book . Obviously no one can compare to David Bowie so I shall mentally super impose his visage onto the actor as I watch the series .

Yeah , I really doubt Cloud didn't go back to that gym in Midgar for more … camaraderie .

Congratulations ! That that has not happened to you means you are not terrible at talking to random women . I have walked away from a particularly crass come on from time to time , and I doubt I'm the only one here who has . Come on , show of hands …. Just me ? Oh .

Fair point .