This sounds amazing , but I have to admit I was just basically just picturing playing a lushly rendered video game opera . Make it a Square Enix thing and let Yoshitaka Amano handle design and they can have all of my dollars .
This sounds amazing , but I have to admit I was just basically just picturing playing a lushly rendered video game opera . Make it a Square Enix thing and let Yoshitaka Amano handle design and they can have all of my dollars .
I … I got a park ranger killed . It was awesome !
Man , I would play the hell out of a game based on the story of Orpheus . Or an FPS where you play as Artemis/Diana .
That's the thing , when I first read it in paperback I mentally classified it as fantasy but as I was typing the comment I remembered that a friend got me a fancy edition from the Easton Press that refers to it as a masterpiece of sci fi . It's such an impressive looking book I deferred to it's opinion . *sigh* Book…
I can't personally speak for The Wheel of Time series ( though fantasy book nerds I know are pretty derisive of it) but I can recommend Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun series . It's considered more sci fi but it hits a lot of the same beats as fantasy and it won't make you feel like an idiot for reading it .
Maybe Aveline and Donnic ? It's barely touched on but it's so cute and hilarious . Plus , it makes me feel better about some of my less than smooth dating history . Hey , at least I've never roped in the de facto mayor of my city to drop off cryptic gifts or talked about swords on the first date . Okay , that last one…
I have a corgi mix who is just about the same size as a nug . Her ears are the same too , if I shaved her it would be an uncanny resemblance . So imagine my distress when a nug once ran into a fight when I was in the hinterlands and I accidentally killed it . Didn't stop me from harvesting all that nug skin though .…
I don't remember exactly how to trigger it but you can get a quest to get her one from a dwarf in Orzammar . They are kind of cute , if I'm being honest .
Barks a Lot . Because he would not shut up back at camp . Between that and Leliana's nug's squeaking I have no clue how my party got any rest .
Sub Pop turned into the NSA so gradually I didn't even notice .
Same !
"Worth it , Edward's the best ! " -
Said no one ever
Normally I upvote my replies but … I just can't . That's the worst thing I've heard in awhile .
Well , now that Pierce is gone at least . Too soon ?
*runs over to desk with new idea for intercontinental slash fic*
I had this discussion with Franko yesterday . That means he wouldn't be here . No longer would we enjoy the thrill of anticipation when he's authored a new newswire . Plus , pretty sure he'd scare off many a guest with his finely tuned snark .
No , that was on purpose . Everyone knows what a tease Netflix is .
Your life is very amusing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter . That is not a euphemism .
I see what you're saying . I play a few different instruments but this is a very specific 'girl , let me grab my guitar and show you something I've been working on' situation . I don't think straight men are ever on the receiving end of this . All good intentions and all , but man , awkward as all hell .
Is this related to Stephen Colbert's Smooth Jazz and Mayonnaise Festival ? Eh , who am I kidding . I'd love to go see this .