
I'm glad to hear a voice of dissent in the mix , but you are definitely in the minority here . Obviously , I'll tally up the votes later today and make a decision based on that , American Idol style .

Alright , you convinced me . I'll watch it this weekend . Fortunately , I already have it on Blu Ray . Maybe I'll do a double feature with Moonrise Kingdom .

Figmas . Atlas isn't messing around anymore , they're going after that sweet merch cash .

Reversed Arcana relationships would be really interesting . The Persona series is pretty dark but they do place a high emphasis on friendship so it would be quite the turnaround .

That is certainly a possibility . He's pretty much a mixed bag of kinks . Okay , truth time . Like 70% of the reason I kept answering his texts and calls for this long is because it's like a fascinating nature study . A confluence of completely freaky , verbose , intelligent , and (other than the rape talk)

Thanks for the advice and for the giggle at the mental image of a 10 foot fleshlight . He says I'm the first one he's told about it . Which may or may not be true , and would explain his neediness about it but … I just don't care . No clue why he would spring this on me anyways as he picked up on the fact that I'm far

Well thank you , Ms Nurse ! I was mainly hoping for some validation on this as , yes , I am pretty creeped out .

Very interesting points , thank you . I really am stumped on this one . He's been very , very , attentive to me even after I told him that wasn't something I would be into with him any time soon . Then he cooled off on talking about it for awhile but in the last week or so he's really cranked it back up . Maybe he's

It's a guy I met with the prospect of dating . I have known him less than a month , we weren't previously friends .

Ah , the old inverse Cosby .

I can remember putting my brand new PS3 in my closet to make shelf space for my old PS2 when Persona 4 came out and it looks like I'll be enjoying some deja vu when Persona 5 releases . If they are doing this intentionally I kind of appreciate the approach . Sure , Persona graphics are hardly mind blowing but the

I haven't rewatched Rushmore in years as I am worried it does not hold up well . Much like The Catcher in the Rye . But damn if that clip isn't enticing .

Dear Savage Love Comrades I seek your counsel . If I've known someone for roughly a month and they repeatedly bring up , unprompted , an interest in rape play , is the correct response to burn my place down and fake my own death or will throwing my phone into the ocean suffice ? Or , perhaps , is my vanilla ass over

Try a cookie bouquet ? It's tangible at the very least .

But he supposedly managed to cast Life 3 on himself … That was my understanding of the resurrection at least . I went to the Church of Our Heavenly Father and hidden Gameboy Advances .

I'm normally against shoe horning in a love triangle but throw Aubrey Plaza in there and I'm on board .


No thank you , I'll wait until they make a terrible movie version a la Stardust .

If he doesn't get this role he'll still be green with envy . I'll see myself out .

Hey ! I clicked on this article to gawk in horror at the plastic horse/woman blow up sex doll , not to learn !