
Deal, or no Biel!

Make it more overt: a dom-text.

Open the door, get on the floor; everybody walk the Rancor!

It is quite un-Biel-ieveable, isn't it?

Unlike cantaloupe. You're not missing much with that.

Hell in a handbasket, since the post office seems to have lost our invitations.

Anime boyfriends don't count!

It's up to the boys in millennial-pink to solve this caseā€¦

*Police chief shakes his head, fists bunched at his hips*

It was a stroke of genius to give him that bag of sunflower seeds and peanuts before they started filming his scenes.

And don't be afraid to use your nails, boys!

Oh God why doesn't it let me edit.

The A.V. Club

What a freak

Ayahuasca comedown.

You gotta have a bad past to take a low-paying job like that.

I hope to God that the alt-right never lays claim to basset hounds.

Dickety WMD's? Highly dubious!

Why? No one else did.

I loved Archer's "I'm confused and under immense pressure from all these revelations that these weird time-traveling beings are telling me, so fuck it, blow it all to hell!" moments.

Yeah, but they're playing music for kids, man!