Ed Gein, head maitre'd at the Water Bar?
Ed Gein, head maitre'd at the Water Bar?
I used to put peanut butter on flour tortillas, rather than between bread. A little melted butter, too.
Two men walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "What'll you two have?"
Shrooms, crank, a paper bag filled with spray paint, whatever you need.
Then I shall read it when there is time!
I honestly see your post as a poem.
And certainly not from an official booth, either, but from the skeezy dude who looks like a human muppet with a cardboard sign scrawled with Sharpie that rests against the open back of a van/station wagon.
Had to, or wanted to?
Like the wide receiver who runs through the endzone, past the tunnel, out of the locker room, into the parking lot, and last being seen huffing and puffing down the freeway without any indication that he'll stop.
And Films Where Fans Take Matters into Their Own Hands is just a random sampling of Anne Hathaway movies.
Pretty Little Lars.
Oh, you're very welcome! And congratulations, once again!
That's pretty much how I'd imagine gay men would view it as.
A distant father's approval? I mean, I've heard tales of it…
Perhaps they got upset because he didn't have the wedding at the Hooters they work at.
Depending on which part you're eating, you've got a lot of 'splainin to do!
@Batzmania:disqus, those all come from the same animal!
How else is she supposed to bust out of small roles and into primetime?
Way to go, Don!