Jon Waters is directing this?
Jon Waters is directing this?
Hey! I resemble that remark!
That's where the real writers shop!
Or created by Aaron McGruder, which would make it very likely a good show!
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the mansplain.
Link back to that Hard Boiled article!
Hey, don't knock it - those papers add much-needed roughage and essential inks!
Tao Lin told me.
I went through a brief, but intense, Jimmy Buffet phase in the summer of 2004. Whomever this Surfjam or Sufjan or whatever this fella's preferred name is, he probably doesn't deserve to be lumped into a Jimmy Buffet and the Coral Roger Band tribute band category.
Nothing that has this can suck entirely:
Why would you buy a container of hummus if you're just going to throw it into the trash?
Hey, thanks!
Robert Downey Jr.
You mean that dispute his family had with the geological forces of nature in Bush v. Ore?
I always heard Jason Statham in my mind when I read the comics.
Or RuPaul?
Explains the prevalence of Polish jokes that the English have.
Fallon deserves none of that.
If the movie is half as bad as this review is good, then I'll be a happy man.
Because that bar likely doesn't have a fire exit?