Cherokee jack

As much as i love the double trio… Saw them in 95 and they were fantastic… I wouldnt give up the memory of hearing discipline for the first time when it came out at 13. Changed everything i thought 'rocking' was. Seeing them on fridays with belew's pink sport coat and beat and sanded strat just outright tourturing

What can you say? This guy is a hoot.

Its intent. Again, not promoting hitting him but promoting white supremacy is not just "talking about it."

False equivilency. Being female, drunk or not, at a party and calling people inferior because of race are very different situations.

Good luck H. R., The first Bad Brains album is beyond classic and seeing them cica 89 in a small club is one of my fondest concert memories.

Im not saying i agree with hitting him… Im saying promoting hate and discrimination within swinging distance of the very people you are scapegoating and calling inferior then wondering why you got hit brings us back to the right 'utopia of unreality' idea.

The problem your brain is having with this is that youre thinking 'alt-right' is a legitimate political system and belief and not just a club of angry little whiners with the truly logic deying idea that stopping their dreams and breathless wishes for discrimination against others is somehow discriminating against

Youre equating a small percentage with all… Like if people said all christians were westboro baptist or all muslims are terrorists.
Violence shouldnt happen… But people shouldnt wear pepe pins and spout hatred and not expect hatred back.

They're NOT talking about Gummo?! What?

And the right accused them of living in a fantasy world and escaping reality. Now, the right just tries to invent their own fact free 'utopia'.

Butter 08!

Ricochet is a great song that ots been too long since ive heard.

I dont know what that means about best album covers.

The important distinction is progressivism lashes out justifiably, not solely for self interest.
Like at dullards that go to sites and post just to annoy. Must be a bid to fill some sad void that honestly will never be filled.

He could… Or maybe bannon, you know it's on their priority list. They are just itching to let fly their blitzkreig of altruism.

And since we're here for john wetton, the bass in lament is amazing. Fracture is there, too. Sabb is a great album.

Youll never hear me say anything negative about bozzio. Ill just pretend he never played with korn.

Happy family one hand clap.

Islands is indeed fantastic.

Sabb is great… Not red or larks but great on its own.