Cherokee jack

Happens to?

Or Buckingham Green.

Son of Orange County-Zappa, Roxy and Elsewhere.

Holy shit! Someone else said Yo Mama first! Was going to post it because didn't expect to see it listed. Amazing solo.

I just read that Chris Cornell died. Is this true? Fuck

Went to one at the wilbur…. That place gets hella hot and uncomfortable.

I was 12 when Apocalypse Now was in theaters. I wasn't that movie savvy and had only seen 'entertainment' flicks prior.
I was overwhelmed. It made me question and ponder ideas like no movie had before. It really upset me. Probably my fave movie all around.

I salute your commitment to trolling.

When you're done lol'ing how 'bout your examples.

Thanks for bringing this point up. Don't see it often enough. Just replied this to someone before seeing this thread. Wouldn't have bothered but rarely see people post it.

It's unfortunately sad yet expected that whenever Trump, or his minions purposely lying for him, get called out, someone will find the one instance they can to paint Obama a liar.
This happens daily as Trump can't seem to even understand what truth or facts even are. Even so, they tend to think there is some kind…

I remember him at the rnc saying it was his right to believe that Obama was a muslim and that he definately wasn't a christian like him and thinking he should fuck off.
He should still fuck off.

Not excited for a remake. Original was a very singular experience that was more about tone and look and sound to be replicated imo.
But, whatever worries i had about the soundtrack, which was essential to the original, are offset by intrigue at what Yorke will bring.

Really sorry to hear about your dog. Had a black lab/weimaraner mix and he was the bestest dog of all.
Hope all will be well.

First thing i thought when i saw it.

R. I. P. He died for our shittiness.

Almost afraid to hope at this point.

It's a nice thought and I hope so. Here's hoping the rest of the world is more self aware and into critical thought than us.

Yay, France!

I'm not the only one! See mom, i'm normal! That digger the dog song is a curse.